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Greatest of All times?

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Re: Greatest of All times?

261 posts
"I saw many players put u as a one of bests. Maybe they are right but in my opinion u're not, but u dont have to care abt me and if u think u deserves its good for u. "

you are such a joke, lol
you are not active and even say that you dont play...so why the fuck do you dare to rate players?
come back here and see people play or get the fuck off :)
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Re: Greatest of All times?

66 posts
ninya, you are no shit compared to geralt.. lol
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Re: Greatest of All times?

261 posts
actually i didnt compare me to him fuckface
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Re: Greatest of All times?

66 posts
why do you hate me so much? Im only telling you guys the truth.
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Re: Greatest of All times?

66 posts
I'll just say this again for the fun of it (:

Funny how Erec keeps on saying over and over again he does not care about his ranking position of Shc, but yet he keeps on shouting his score against other people to prove his position. Idiotic child, say what you mean and mean what you say.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: Greatest of All times?

66 posts
Are you stupid or what? I do mean what I say and i do not care about this game but it's a complete shame to hear players that think they were better than me and geralt. And please learn some english you mindless phony, it's really frustrating to read your sentences lol.

And i remember playing you Riva like 7 months ago, when i came back for a while, it was when you claimed that you were at your PEAK and please do not deny that you said this. Some W@W friends of yours like aragorn were also telling me that I suck and that you could own me. I think i completely whooped your ass that game did I not? Please tell me I'm wrong so I can go cry in my affliction, misery and distress that I could even compare myself to you.
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Re: Greatest of All times?

66 posts
Learn English? Are you serious? Haha, I am appalled from your foolish statements little child. Name a flaw in my sentence. Go ahead, you will not find any. I will be more then glad to name a flaw in yours. "Riva your score vs me is what? 20-1 ? Lol. Absollute joke.:Tbag. I can maybe understand but liddr and riva are great players? Holylord u seem confused also lol ;) and lgrnda is too overrated, he is not able to grow as he is still struggling to use cats."

1. You misspelled "Absollute"
2. You misspelled "liddr"
3. You did not capitalize "riva" nor "liddr" nor "lgrnda"
4. You mispelled "lgrnda" who in the world is that suppose to be?

You foolish little child, I am laughing quiet hard right now because of you, you thick-headed vermin.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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Re: Greatest of All times?

701 posts
In reply to this post by Geralt z Rivii
Geralt z Rivii wrote
With HL i played some games, i lost our 2 games in 1v1 maybe  when i wasn't at my best but i was pretty good then. He had skill in high pt and high res. As for low res he sucked and sucks

Funny, since the only two games we ever played 1v1, were both either low res or low pt, and you got your ass handed to you.  You were 3x easier than Masosz to defeat.  And maybe 4x easier than Arma.

1 stone 1 iron 1 farm game:


5pt game:


sorry man, you never had a chance against me no matter the rules, you couldn't get near my level on low res or low pt, imagine what would happen to you in high res high pt?  

You've lost to arma, masosz, and blacky, idc what you say noob

peabody hasn't even played shc since like 2007 (idk maybe 1-2 games here or there) he doesn't give a shit about shc since 5-6 years.  saying "i beated peabody in 2010" means nothing

as arma said:

{{DHK}}Arm@ wrote
And about peabody, you are lucky you didn't saw him playing seriously in 1v1.

also arma kicked your ass much more than you could ever dream of beating him, im sure he could almost beat you and ares in 2v1 too, just like me -  same with you vs masosz - you simply cant think about being on masosz level man,

just shutup ur embarassing yourself, everybody knows you'll never reach the skill that masosz reached

~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Greatest of All times?

701 posts
In reply to this post by -Rivaz-
as for putting T~bag and Lietuvis on the Greatest of All Times, the answer is no

I played Lietuvis a few times at his best, and I do not think he was better than Dingo at his best.   I also don't think T~bag at his best was better than Dingo at his best.    And as there are only 20 spots on the list, #21 and #22 don't matter.

sorry man
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Greatest of All times?

66 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
it is illogically asinine to judge new players based on merit of the past. We are generations apart and it is not impartial to compare the players of your time to some few players of today. Also you cannot criticize a player by playing two games with them and it is sad to see that this is your idea of justice.
These lists of yours and the assortments of legends is only really the opinion of those that played in Gamespy. They have no meaning to us lol, for all I could care about, you only deserve to talk trash if you have truly and continually, on large number of occasions, decimated, obliterated and slaughtered your subjects.
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Re: Greatest of All times?

1021 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
i already told my main disagreement.  firstly, if you beat someone , a player already goes to 20+... etc position. And as i mentioned, none of players  who started  game after 2007 are in the list. its just simply incorrect.  old players eco -  4x high wall  no  work shops  only pots, it used to be like this as well, and this would fail in most cases vs some new players  who have pro ecos. i dont  say they have knowledge of game, they just  came to shc when everybody used to make such ecos which let earn a lot of gold in game.
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Re: Greatest of All times?

407 posts
This post was updated on Oct 07, 2012; 1:36am.
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Take me off and put tbag in my spot, he at his best was better than me. And write something better for him than the crap that you wrote for me. Not to seem ungrateful, but I'd rather not be included in the list at all than to be put at #20, when I'm positive I would've been better than a lot (Or most) of the people on that list.

But maybe if you took some of the akas out, there'd be room for tbag and lietivus.

Although to be totally honest, I think there were some better players than Lietuvis :( Let me say this to Unframed:

Like I've said many times. I respected lietuvis and I thought he was a really good player. However, I didn't exactly get the impression that he respected me very much. His lack of respect as a player probably rubbed off on you too. He played a little bit before me, and it's normal to look at yourself to be better than a newer player. He beat me a couple times in GR I think, but I don't exactly remember our score. I just have these 2 old ss saved to my external HD:


I really don't think he was better than me or tbag. Lietuvis was one of the greatest of his time, just not one of the greatest of all time.
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Re: Greatest of All times?

701 posts
To be honest, I really always found that you gave me harder games than T~bag.   T~bag was pretty close to you, but not quite as good, in my opinion.  

I disagree that you would have been able to defeat anyone else on the list above you (when I look at each of them 1 at a time, and think about who would win, I'm always sure they would), with the exception of XX, who is already a big point of debate.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Greatest of All times?

407 posts
won't ever really get to find out now will we
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Re: Greatest of All times?

371 posts
In reply to this post by Erec
Erec please, my signature is for people like you PLEASE READ IT AND TRY TO GET WHAT IT SAYS.
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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Re: Greatest of All times?

Geralt z Rivii
222 posts
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}Arm@
I OWNED u about 3 times in my real acc, I owned u 2 times as a Stempel when HL was afraid to play and when i owned all of active DHK's. U can say what u want like HL but u're nothing more than piece of noob. Same like Masosz and Peabody. That time u were owned everywhere by everyone what was so pathetic.

HL u were at fucing troubles in that low res 20pt. I didn't know about a mountain at the middle and i lost my cats shooting down myself. I was controlling that game but i lost but u didnt show nothig special. In 5pt that was high res and u rushed me, i fucked up i agree.
I saw u wanna play with bests today. Go to play with Maly, Saitek, Dexter, Defs, Szeky, Fahad, Riva im sure they will pwn u as hard as u cant imagine it.
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"

"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile."

SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD
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Re: Greatest of All times?

1021 posts
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
i wont argue too much if talking about  you three it will look like in first three positions. http://tgcladder.webs.com/ladder.htm .nothing more to add.
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Re: Greatest of All times?

773 posts
In reply to this post by Geralt z Rivii
xD Thnx Geralt for adding my name in bests xD
Get Schwifty.
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Re: Greatest of All times?

701 posts
In reply to this post by Geralt z Rivii
shut up geralt, I see you can only make excuses about your lost games.

and unframed,

  old players eco -  4x high wall  no  work shops  only pots, it used to be like this as well, and this would fail in most cases vs some new players  who have pro ecos.

thats completely wrong about the people on the Greatest of All Times list, ALL of them had the same or better eco than the eco we see today (with the exception of XX, who is the main debated player on the list) and was better at everything else
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: Greatest of All times?

773 posts
haha,well hl its never too late for a rm,What Do u say Geralt and Hl?
Get Schwifty.