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I think the following Players Should be Considered as Greatest of All Times
Tbag Scorpion: Scorpion is a part of Gr for a long time and hes been active throughout most of the time. well its up to u to choose scorp Legenda: this Guy knows many many tricks of shc,U can check his tricks on utube.Hes a great player of 2010 and also he laid the foundation of No FFs Tactics. Lider Rivaz Well its up to u to choose if they deserve a chance or not.
Get Schwifty.
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Scorpion was never good enough.
Legenda was never good enough (in fact, Legenda's best is lower than Scorp's best). Lider and Riva are great, but I think T~bag at his best was better than Lider and Riva at their best. But anyways, the list is full. I looked for a #20 player for 3 years, and finally decided on one. I won't add anymore.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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i don't need to be on some list to know how much i know about this game, and what my skills are, but would be nice if you put me and dingo share 20th position.
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Unframed, I understand why you talk about Lietuvis like this constantly, he was your best friend, and great teacher, I respect him as a player and as a person, and he was true beast of a player for few months, me and dingo played many 1v1s vs him and we both won more for sure, I also once beat him 1v2 while he was not that good, but still good. I regret i lost all of my ss before 2011 and i can't back up my words with ss, once again Lietuvis was near me and dingo, but he is a bit under us, same like he is a bit under blacky and masosz. No hard feelings
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be responsible with your words. wtf are you talking about ... i respected you until you said you had more wins. its like 1:5 what you won vs lietuvis. well i will always respect you as a fair player at least :D its the reason why you kept making akas. well you did it to kill many players not only him. i believe akas wasnt your activity to just have fun. you prefered to play a lot of 1x1 games, people used to put to best top's places, must have been good feeling :D or killing me under some kazax t, when i lost it big time, second worst lose ever by result.
lietuvis wasnt just good for a few months . he was great all the time after he got used to game, killed vytas, which had influence for vytas to end his gaming there. Anyway there were many topics long time ago , you always used to say how you won more, and when lietuvis comes, all words become worthless as you know how rarely you could really win. i really didnt want any offence, just again you spread here wrong facts which make me dissapointed. Or its behaviour of 90%of players, when somebody is out, lets just forget him, and add me as a better not looking at facts. Or did we use to be a really great team with lietuvis back then that it was so difficult for you and tony to win? i was really nothing special.we never really planned what to do, didnt have any tactic, just do what we can, i used to come out after 2minutes whether tried to defend vs my direct opponent and wait until lietuvis beats his opponents( alien/professor/major/tbag/garnett xD). but it was enough not to let d-f/tgc win any single game. as for dingo, i remember only three last games from the end of lietuvis career. i think it was 2-1 in lietuvis advantage ( idk how many games there were in all, dingo must come here and said how he is 20-2 vs him). 2nd game from the end vs vs jordon, and lietuvis lost it, and the last game was when dingo lost. and i remember dingo saying how it was a mistake, and how lietuvis will never win vs him again. well d-f players were always confident, its a good thing. to count my wins vs lietuvis i lost all games, while i can play really relaxed , and won some vs you(it was later, but i really didnt really have skills as my teacher had), while i used to be afraid of my foreign opponents. lietuvis also once said, that blacky is one of the most oportune experts to play against, and players liderPL were harder to play. lets respect blacky for sh1, i was told that he was ruling this game the most, but shc was a different thing.(but no info of 1x1 games)(ltu had blocked all FU members by the time of their unlimited TM usage). dont simplify everything so easily. when it comes to top experts, some opponent can be easier for him and other one harder, while they all would be very good players who just have different playing styles. and Masosz IMO was better than all players mentioned in this post. for many people my words look like story tales because i talk about my clanmates, but i can say good words about some others as well... sorry for a long post. |
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
I wont deny it, I wont talk shit to prove myself better than anyone. I'd say you put Liet and tbag there. They deserve to be there. Just because they came later doesnt mean that they couldnt beat any gsa player. I know tbag and liet both have played this game for like 6+ years so they deserve a spot there and they both were, are and always be better than most of the players in gr.
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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This post was updated on Oct 06, 2012; 7:45pm.
Riva your score vs me is what? 20-1 ? Lol. Absollute joke.:Tbag. I can maybe understand but liddr and riva are great players? Holylord u seem confused also lol ;) and lgrnda is too overrated, he is not able to grow as he is still struggling to use cats.
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No, its even more.
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In reply to this post by Erec
Funny how Erec keeps on saying over and over again he does not care about his ranking position of Shc, but yet he keeps on shouting his score against other people to prove his position. Idiotic child, say what you mean and mean what you say.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy". They told me I didn't understand the assignment; I told them they didn't understand life.
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More strange to me is when players like lancelot never come here, and once before i remember i wrote a sencence by which lancelot thought i called him a chater. he responded very quickly, was strange :| yesterday he came up also .
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In reply to this post by -Rivaz-
In HL's list there is a place for his friends with some exceptions and it has been known for a long time.
I have played with some players of that list: HL, Peabody, Arm@, FD, Blacky, Masosz, Dingo and to be honest only 2 maybe 3 of them should be there. It's HL, Dingo and maybe FD as a goodfather of shc. With HL i played some games, i lost our 2 games in 1v1 maybe when i wasn't at my best but i was pretty good then. He had skill in high pt and high res. As for low res he sucked and sucks but still it would be hard to kick his ass. He used to use cheats sometimes what is shown in our 2v2 games- t-sreach (me and ares vs dhk cheaters) With Dingo i played lots of games. He was very good, very fast and played very smart so he deserves to be there. Maybe I was slower than him but I was smarter and that's why i was better whatever Dingo says(to be smart > to be fast). Blacky is a cheater . There is no place for cheaters anywhere. HL put him as one of greatest players- cheaters likes cheaters, clear case. He cant play Without tm= he cant be good Arm@, Masosz, FD, Peabody -bunch of noobs. With Arm@ i played many games and he is clearly noob(comparing to today's players he would be weak expert). U can say he didn't play serious or wasn't at his best but i played this game so much and i would have seen that he had some skill before but he hadn't. With Peabody i played 1 game in a team vs dingo and tbag or someone under akas and it's obvious that he is total noob. Unframed showed somewhere ss with Jasiu's defence- towers etc. Peabody played the same- damn what a skill. U can say he didn't play serious but he did and what is so funny he said i fucked up. He wouldnt be called even expert now with his gameplay. With Masosz i played about 10games and situation is similar to arm@-idk who is bigger noob- in one exception that he didnt want to play 1v1- arm@ was always ready to play. FD- nice guy but was a noob too :( He discovered tactics and thats why he deserves to be in greatest players I see u talk much about Lietuvis. I dont remember him as so great player. I asked him many times to play 1v1, he didnt want to play. But i played quite many 2v2 games. He was a good player with fast attack and he suprised me in 1st game only. I won most of all games with him and I dont think so, he was so good to be in greatests. As for Rivaz, in my opinion he wasn't enough good to be one of bests as well.He was really good but not enough good. I never lost to him in 1v1. He talked much but never showed with me his fake power. So who was so good to be included to greatests players? -As i said before HL and Dingo -Erec- i never liked him, he accussed me of using many cheats. I won with him some 1v1's and he won some with me. He was really smart and his controll of army was awesome always for me. - Lance- i know him only from 2v2 games with erec in a team. Games with them were the hardest games i plyed during my career and they were as good as me and ares or maybe sometimes a bit better-that time we were owning DF's everywhere and Erec & Lance were the only one team who could defeat us- other teams where much much lower. -Civo- he is forgotten now but he was gorgeus player and he was best with monks in shc -T-Bag- TBag never cared about any ranks but he was one of best ever for sure. -Lider- he played smart, he respected army and it was player with who it was the hardest thing to take the field under controll -Maly- xcon's trained him and he became and he is very strong. He use a brain in game ( maybe not in school) and he provides most of ur moves. It's hard to beat him in all rules and maps. - Ares- he get a skill during his long career and maybe he wasnt so good to be here but he deserves for 1 reason. Noone in shc created so much so greats experts and players who if they still play would be in hall of greatests for sure but they dont care- Pointer, Attyla, Revolution. Maybe he can't play without monks but idk any other player who has so good defence in castle like ares. He never gives up and what i always admired at him is his stubborness and bitterness ------------------------------------------- As for Savo- he made huge gold and i always claimed he cheated. Maybe i am wrong but its my opinion. If he played clear he should be in greatests too.
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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I'm gona accept that I never defeated you in a particular game. But things have changed, Alot. At the time you were owning everyone I was just getting trained and becoming more sophisticated and I used to talk too much shit, for this I regret myself. I remember the last 1v1 we had you were under stempel account and another xcon under aka "oneofmany" was watching and it went a bit long but that game was at my medium skill. Maybe I wasnt so good at that time or maybe I sucked epically. I'm not sure about this one. Lol but now I'm sure I can beat anyone, Its not that I'm trying to prove my superiority to anybody but its a fact and in 2012 I havent lost more than like 5 1v1 games, 3 of them were vs Ninya, Maly( which I beat twice under akas but Idc and now he doesnt like to play ) and one unfortunately vs szeky and after that beat I owned him 7 times in a row. And yes, you and Savo were the best of 2011. Savo was a bit better than you too. Its not that he's the founder of my clan but I've seen it. But he left so early. Anyways, the main thing still remains the same and that is I've never defeated you. Maybe I never will if you don't like to play now. Lol.
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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In reply to this post by Geralt z Rivii
Without too many arguings ill just add that our timelines were different. so i would like you not to say a word about my teacher. i remember games with lietuvis . i was already playing only time by time and lietuvis used to come after job to play some last games with me(never really came back again). im talking about games which we lost vs you and ares, then lost vs you and lider, than we defended well in rm where you was with lider, http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/2v2xconcrashlider.jpg/ (kills definately show who was in great risk to lose xD). well this left us without wins, let it be. its also one of secrets if xcons never really used crashing to avoid loses, im not claiming, but im considering. as well as once me and vendeta lost first game vs you and maly maybe, you had those strange nicks. in rm we defended, and again , crash.
maybe someone will share their experiences vs xcons. because it was the only clan which players never really said GG after game, only lider was always fair. ares was dirty whether in life or in game. he used to use wc block, TM , and chemistry in gym lol |
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As for ur ss Unframed- look at gold- u were defending in castles and u threw cows to our monks thats why u have so much kills, thats all
As for Riva- i showed what is my opinion, i didnt see u at ur best and i wont see. Im studying atm long way from home and im not gonna play shc anymore so u wont have a chance to beat me. Atm u wold probably own me as fuck. I saw many players put u as a one of bests. Maybe they are right but in my opinion u're not, but u dont have to care abt me and if u think u deserves its good for u.
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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I've never tried NOW to prove myself better than anyone neither I'll be interested in wasting my time on it. I'm more of a doer now. Lol. And I dont care about my spot in any list, I never insisted to anybody to put me in their lists. I dont say I deserve this spot I deserve that spot and I won't ever will. Because lately I've beaten all players on gr multiple times and I know I'll keep beating them till I want. So I'd rather don't care about these lists and try to concentrate and enjoy my time playing this lovely game.
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In reply to this post by Geralt z Rivii
Lets dont spam up this topic about discussions about a game. you rushed us , no monks were then... or not so many that you lost 714units while we lost 351 ... i see your gold, dw. and we were already outside, at least lietuvis, when lider was at risk. nvm. we weren't stronger then lol, i wont try to prove it... I told my idea about xcons being dirty, so ill just look if anyone adds something. at this point xcons could never say anything bad to us, only vendetta burned someone i have heard lol
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In reply to this post by -Rivaz-
it should rather be called a laggy game lol.
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yep u are right. lider was in quite big troubles but i was with not small army and finish of the game was very far
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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This post was updated on Oct 06, 2012; 10:26pm.
Geralt, funny thing is I beated all your mates from X-CON 1v1 in GR (I've never played vs ares) (especially lider - also in 2v2, later he refused play more 1v1 with me) and I have never played vs you under your real account so idk if we've ever played. I only remember I lost game vs you (you was under aka dhk stempel). We played training game, and I didn't take you seriously. Idk then why you call them experts and you call me, masosz, blacky noobs. I played masosz 2v2 at his peak, and I'm sure he was better than you all.
And about peabody, you are lucky you didn't saw him playing seriously in 1v1.
i suck
you suck all suck |
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