You all accuse me for no posting proofs when i talk about akas,so i decide now to post proof and betray Naruto also known as {GoC}WL.Assassin (just changed name).
First ss : ss shows us game list of DW Dragonite.
Second ss : ss shows us game list of Naruto,account number,everything.As you can see he says " Inactive" , lmao i see how he is inactive.Compare list of games,it's totally same rotfl ,he is the only one player in gameranger that have game Seven Kingdoms and Re-Volt.
And finally third proof (biggest for me)
3rd ss : Warlord aka Undefeatable aka {GoC}Lord.RG is old friend with Naruto,btw he says now Dragonite is his old friend.Did you guys remember? WL and Naruto when started to play this game were in Goc together under names " Lord RG" , and "Assassin".
I think it's enough , if you say no i will catch his ip even.Why am i exposing him? Because he's such a bastard.
Dragonite:Erec aka Tw1n
{{foa}DarkHELL:lol idiot
Bastard want let me to think that everyone is aka when he see that i care for akas,response my post now pathetic weack noob that doesn't know to make good aka even rotfl.Also all his friends come here to say " no no men he is from hamachi" , "if same game list it doesnt mean he is man" , "this is no proof". I'm sure after my post he will change gamelist,and act even more,ask his friends to help him but i it doesn't really matter because
CARTON ANIMATION NARUTO IS EXPOSED.I betray only akas of Asian,African and Turkish players as part of Asia and Europe.If you are from Europe and Usa+Canada and you make aka don't worry ;).
While you are reading it and while you are realising how weak you are listen to this bullshit - aotp - dump the clip,pharaoh shit nigga.
Naruto:I am leaving SHC
{foa}DarkHELL:ahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahaa i can't see.
Yo this is MC wizardry, killa bee invasion
Men of respect, blessed with wisdom of the ancients
My words are blatant, lacerate necks for statements
are launched like lead projectiles, straight out the basement.