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Dude enough of ur bragging getlost mother fucker. u r just a noob whom left the game and still calls himself a top expert which u r not believe me most of the good players dont even take ss vs You coz u suck
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hm are you afraid ? use your real name lol
nowadays all people take ss...... I don't say i m still top expert cuz it's almost 4 months i left shc but i WAS!! |
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In reply to this post by Szeky
1. u are not better than me 2. we had the same skill then 3. "then" was 4 months ago as u said and since then many things has changed (for example my skill) 4. anyway u were good and u could be in top experts
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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1. no you are not lol you alread said it but nvm ....:p
2. no you couldn't play for kills i could. 3.... 4..... |
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im not? lol
come to gr u will see
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"
"Gówno i kapusta zawsze idą w parze.Jedno napędza drugie.Perpetuum mobile." SI VIS PACEM,PARA BELLUM | new cs 1.6 s&ns server ZOMBIE MOD |
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In reply to this post by Szeky
If you can do the same i admit you were better than me.....
These ss are for kills .... or how to say it right :P http://img801.imageshack.us/i/akakazaxtolgadead1.jpg/ http://img90.imageshack.us/i/kortdestinydead.jpg/ http://img215.imageshack.us/i/kortfr3eedead4forkills.jpg/ http://img88.imageshack.us/i/kortzorro4.jpg/ http://img829.imageshack.us/i/ninjadead1.jpg/ dhk ninja http://img545.imageshack.us/i/silentdead14forkills.jpg/ - and i bet this player can be on top 10 list !!!! And i also beat among with low kills .... i dont post it here he will be mad xD |
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In reply to this post by Geralt z Rivii
I am talking about when i was active i was better thna you now i am not lol
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In reply to this post by Szeky
how have you no shame at all? You know our 1v1 games were trainings for you, and now you are braging with games where I trained you, braging like you killed me.... shameful, disapointing
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OMG Civo that wasnt training .....where we trained i didnt take ss ...... and no its not about bragging. ..... |
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Szeky deserves to be on list of top experts,guys just see his screenshots,also he beat me so many times :)
I no need real name,i don't talk shit :D As you can see he defeated many top experts like Blacky,Dingo,Civonarish,Lider,Ares,Mert. |
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Again, he beat me because I was training him and he took advantage of me
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it doesn't matter.And many DHK's defeated HL because he teached them.
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szeky getlost mother fucker asshole.
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Of course all players have haters. HL has,DIngo has , I have :)
FUCK YOU HATERS Hm Civo , you didn't say me that was a training lol , we just played 1v1 . that's all |
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In reply to this post by Szeky
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In reply to this post by Loooking for real name :D :P
Well actually I don't see any SS Of him beating me, and I didn't look at all these SS, but still Szeky is a good player. Szeky I kind of suspect you have been playing on akas lately, but you should come with your real name so we can talk and play if you're down for it. I don't know if you're a top expert or not, but you have the potential to be.
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thanks. Yea i didn't want to post ss of you dingo....
Among : don't worry that's not shame if i killed you with very low kills because it is a game and there is nothing to feel shame :P Don't worry i don't play on aka.... |
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well szeky you could post ss of me if you want, and i could post about 5 ss of you with less than 10 kills
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