If anyone has this "shield program" please post the link for it here. I myself believe there is no such thing, I don't care what SS players get, or videos I see (all the videos I ever see on here such in quality).
I would like to see proof of this program and will purchase a Gold account for the individual that provides a download link to this "fast shields" program.
I don't expect that one will be provided because it doesn't exists. I would have heard of it before ( meaning it would have existed in years past) and I would have for myself seen it used, or at least offered it by other players. I have been offered trainers, TM, etc, because those are real. This thing you guys talk about doesn't.
To me, anyone who thinks its real and claims people use it are ignorant. Don't call anyone a cheater unless you have absolute proof. End of story :)
PS: If Masosz and FD had it back when we all came to GR to play, I would have absolutely known about it, since I was very close to them and played every day with them, let alone I was the clan leader.