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In this site,all will be published,all ips,akas,cheats,proxy users used by experts,fake holylord history and real one,fake DHK FOUNDERS,real one,real records,all akas,history,all need to check ips,programs,alll....
This is needed because currently situacion in gameranger and shc comunity:racist,cheaters,akas like holylord and bartolo using it,and many others... Also all there writen is completely and only true,theer is proofs too... Site is made by my bro GILMAN and his friends i added few things too.You will see many things you werent know as me too :S like cheats,trainers,history why DHK is fake and HL is dick of percon even his skill is good... |
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Holylord is really one of best. when i talked to him i understood most of recent players have 1/20 of his knowledge about this game. and you will not publish any history because simply you havent been here for a long time. how can someone know what was shc like if he didnt play?
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unfraaaaaaaamed you can't say good things about HL, it will go to his head and make him over confident!
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This post was updated on Feb 17, 2012; 3:16pm.
In reply to this post by MAX POWER
RETARD read post closely!I am not publishing nothing it doin my mate,who is beside HL only one who was from 2002 here!What a blind retard you are,i am just putting things i know,and you will see low brang retard what i was talking about. Several times you try make me idiot,bnut most of that times you become that. Idk but you JUST LIKE to interfere thing you dont understand and always but ALWAYS pretend as over intiligent. Also idk if you have anything against me,but also idc... Also some old players also have proofs of HL cheats,but that is other thing,+alwasys he hosting rooms,etc etc...And i cant doubt he is one of the greatest ever,but NOT THE GREATEST EVER! He cant be that when used cheats,making akas,and fake records+history +pretend he is founder of DHK,even he know he is not! |
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In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!MoKkA*
Hm, make some solutions about your nerves...
Im not stupid, and i know who played then, i dont think gilman was the one who played so much, i mean power of hl could understand only these who played with him a long game, who were competetive. Of course i can be wrong, but i know best players anyway. P.S. i was the one who wrote shit to anyone, to HL to dingo, and dont think you are some special here. the only think between me and you was that you kept discriminating some players in your tourneys including me. Enjoy how well you played vs "retard", interesting how smart are you. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/189/ltuvsx2x2x2.jpg/. Anyway, about creating website, i would rather show some positive things, looking for cheats is kinda wasting of time ,and talking about negative things just makes people negative personalities. Keep in mind. |
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1.Fake ss,and if it is not fake who the fuck i played 2v2 i played with trainee or noob,come 1v1 retard??
Second dont meke me to show ss of yu god vs you and also who asked you smt about game RETARD? SHOWING SOME FAKE SS HERE,PLEASE BURN IN HELL "EXPERT" Also come 1v1 i wait you in gameranger yoiu know my id,and i discrimintas akas maker and idiots like you are. I also dont doubt you played with expert long time ago becuse you are old aka maker,but you will see that you dont anythnig about REAL HISTORY OF SHC.You know maybe things that saw when you come,but you will see how many % is wrong things,because retards like you believeing in that fake things. Also i was not saying anything about skill of HL or else "experts" i just say here that you will see a right side of shc history not fake hl history and his akas friends. And we doing it because SHC COMINITY NEED CHANGE! HERE ALL DEAD! I open room and wait 30min when some good player come all spams noone plays. We need change.Even bigest idiot like you will realize that. AND ABOUT THIS SHITY FAKE SS:EVEN IF IT IS REAL LOOK WHAT WE PLAYED:EMPTY MAP AND I PLAYED WITH RETARDED TRAINEE PLAYER!OR IT WAS FUN GAME,LOOK MY FOOD AND LOOK STATISTIC YOU RETARDED BOY TOOK SS OF FUN GAME,WVERRY WEAK.... COME SUKA 1V1 IN GAMERANGER I WAIT! AND STOP MAKING FAKE SS-S. |
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i have very few ss with you but it was enough to see you are not a good player. (me and you vs tbag and bicii(using ares name). I thought i can talk with you but seems you have no idea what are you talking about, how i could even participate in your first tournament... seems being aka noob i reached 5th round, still not very bad. ask gilman all my akas, you will fuck up.... i will stop arguing with you by showing your post some time ago, what means you change your opinion about players just because someone isnt friend of yours and talks shit no matter what : http://forum.1057425.n5.nabble.com/FIFT-ROUND-td4651770.html !Yu.GoD!MoKkA* Reply | Threaded | More star Aug 03, 2011; 4:15pm Re: FIFT [ROUND]: !Yu.GoD!MoKkA* Administrator 99 posts congratulate unframed on your words,you are great player you should delete this post from there, because now you sound like a little little kid ;) |
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First:First ss we killed first guy BECAUSE ME! i remebered it!Also after it you shouldnt protect em from rush so i die!IT IS YOUR FAULT!i dint protected myself.A
Second:Also that forum stuff:i said to you tthat you are good player bnecuse in taht time you was a man,fair and good man,how you see in post you acceped a lost in fair way,so i apprisiate it and said well done ON YOUR WORDS unframed you are really... Also come 1v1,why are you looking some ss from early 2011?i just then come at gameranger come 1v1 it is different and now i am different type of player,i was beginer and i admit,but now i am better,so come in gameranger and try me!i said you 12038 times,and i wait you,but you dont come,you will take ss of my ass than....peace... |
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
UnFramed don't listen to that retard ;) he doesnt know a shit.
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HAi warlord.I dont know?I know your akas when try join x2x at my council time.Stupid 13-years old irish retard.gg nothing to say more.
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Only retard here is u, who is making such a fucking site about all akas and cheaters i would say u have no life !
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Yes,only lmy life here is finding akas of retards like you.I like it,do you like it too?I like it that much that i will leave shc as some percons do it too,so gb...
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