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Re: TM, turbo mouse

Posted by *KoRT* Lancelot †FK† on Apr 09, 2021; 2:03am
URL: http://the-best-of-crusader.24.s1.nabble.com/TM-turbo-mouse-tp7583868p7583878.html

From my point of view, clicking would definitely be a very important skill in SHC if TM did not exist at all but since it does, there really is no point putting effort and clicking by yourself even if you are capable of pulling off 15+ CPS because of the fact that anyone can open a program and match your speed meanwhile you click on your own which is quite demotivating and silly.

Moreover, saying that 10 CPS doesn't cause the gold glitch is wrong. Actually 8-9 CPS or even average clicking speed of human from 10-12 CPS may cause it, but the amount of gold received won't be as high as with a higher clicking speed of course. In that sense, players who are able to click fast are forced to slow it down just to not cause the gold glitch when deleting and yet the glitch happens anyway but with far less gold in return.

Personally, I haven't experienced getting any glitched gold in single-player yet, even when using TM of 15+ CPS. Most likely, it would be the fairest way to have a contest trying to score gold records offline without an use of TM while preferrably recording your hand and in game sounds for others to see and hear, but I doubt if anyone is willing to do that since we live in a non-active community and most of the players who would like to do so are long gone. Nevertheless, people would still accuse you of setting up macros on mouse or some shit because they will always find something to complain about.
“There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.”