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Re: Can someone shed some light on these games ?

Posted by {{DHK}}HolyLord on Aug 14, 2020; 2:50am
URL: http://the-best-of-crusader.24.s1.nabble.com/Can-someone-shed-some-light-on-these-games-tp7583764p7583770.html

There's just one secret to this, Mystical: catapults don't show as kills in the end game screen.

About rules - it's easier to do in 10pt+ than in 0pt or 5pt, because you need a lot of cats early. You just need to plan it out and play masterfully with your cats, so that you win all the cat fights, whether slowly or quickly (lose all the catapults you want, just don't lose engineers or anything else).

About players' skills - After I discovered this little trick in ~2005, it allowed me to abuse many 'top experts' with some very humiliating screenshots.  After I left, Dingo carried on the legacy for me, and other than Bartholo, Dingo was probably the only other person to do it so well, although I'm sure he won't forget getting only 2 kills vs me and 2 kills vs Bar.    I got some good super-low-kill screenshots vs Dingo, Geralt, Ares, Blacky, Keks, KoRT BD / Scorp, Fahad, MAPKm5 (FW), Savo, Lusenrad, Shazzabog, KoRT Zest, Ninja, and some other experts considered top at their time (not sure how many of these names you'll recognize anyways), so I don't think it's representative of skill (because they got 0 kills or so didn't necessarily mean I was "so much better than them"), rather I think it was just that I was good enough to be able to always be 1 step ahead (that's all you need in order to win) that allowed me to control the tempo and macro-play of the game, combined with some forward-planning on my strategy for the game.  Always take the initiative to control the map and force your enemy to react - that was the most important thing to me in SHC - never on the defense, never allowing your opponent to dictate the terms of the fight.

Curious to see if someone else (you or any other modern expert) can pull this off against another top expert like we used to do, as I didn't really know anyone else as good with cats as me or bar.  If someone knows you're trying to do it to them, they can make it much more difficult of course, so you do need a little bit of the surprise factor if you're trying to humiliate another top expert so badly.

Baggy - where are your 0-kill screenshots?  You and Dingo were pretty good with cats at your prime, but I always felt you were a bit better, so I'm surprised I haven't ever seen any of these from you.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~