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Re: Welcome Back HolyLord!

Posted by *KoRT* Lancelot †FK† on Jun 12, 2020; 9:15am
URL: http://the-best-of-crusader.24.s1.nabble.com/Welcome-Back-HolyLord-tp7583723p7583730.html

I'm tired of him spreading myths about how he was unbeatable saying he would still be within 1 month of practice if he came back (no one would), and even more trying to judge our gameplay including me and other recent players. But that's not the main reason why I exposed him, I did it because he tried to spy us trying to check our gameplay to fool and make fun of us. For everything I've said is truth, I wouldn't usually upload a video vs any of you unless for a good reason. I never did that in my entire career of SHC because I didn't feel like and wasn't motivated enough, I don't do it for the fame or views on youtube, it's a dead game to do such, but I did this my first and probably last video ever vs HL to expose him for the greater good since a lot of new young players actually believe in fairy tales about him. I know this type of people that talk a lot but never actually act and spreading lies like that isn't cool. Know your place.
“There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.”