Posted by
{{DHK}}HolyLord on
Feb 06, 2020; 7:01pm
Interesting questions. I spent like 20 minutes remembering all of this. Good stuff; sit around the fireplace with some snacks and listen to the stories, lol

1.Did you play in that time 30min/1h no rush time?What do you think about that?
I've played 30pt many times when I was a new player (2003) and liked to build nice castles, but after that not so much, as no experts ever played 30pt. In high expert games, the map would be almost full by 20 minutes, so in 30 minutes you would have 0 space for even 1 more building, so we never did 30pt. I played 1 hour pt only twice in my life, if I recall correctly. Very funny games, but kind of stupid too. lol. My favorite pt was either 0 or 20. 5pt always felt like it became the same shit every game. 10pt was ok.
2.How much time you need to learn begginer/weak medium play on very good level and who was your greatest student.
Completely depends on the player. I picked my students very selectively. I think one of my strongest abilities was to notice a person's potential. There were a few times when I found a complete noob but could see their potential, and I invested time to turn them into monsters. Killa (complete noob to top in 6 months), WW, Arma ('average' to top in 6 months), LastWish, Satdive, Blacky (already very good when I first found him, but became top in 1-2 months during which I made him play many many 1v1s with me, nonstop), Geralt (similar to Blacky situation, but I had less time with him), and many others that I had less time with. The ones that would be successful were quickly separated from the ones that could not be; the way I would train them was to make them 1v1 me nonstop on all different maps, rules, settings, etc. Of course they would never have a chance, but the ones that had the passion would try and try and try, and this struggle made them so much stronger; each time surviving maybe 30 seconds longer or preparing better for whatever I had to throw at them. It's a weird lesson for life, too, I guess? To answer your question, a person with very high potential I can make an expert in 3-4 months. A person with medium potential, maybe 6-8 months. But nothing can replace the experience of years, so they would still be missing some of that 'intuition' from that lack of experience.
My greatest student, other than myself, was Arm@. People forget the magnitude of this guy; he was one of the oldest experts of X-CON (which was founded in 2004, not 2003 as I've seen some claim); he joined DHK and became one of the best in ~6 months; he also at the same time ran his own polish clan where he trained and nurtured the SHC polish community; he was responsible for training some other top experts (Lider & Geralt included); and he was the leader of DHK during GR times (09-12), and technically still is the leader.
3.Who in your time was the best bread maker,it this eco was so unpopular like nowdays?
Everyone in my time knew how to make bread ecos because we played so many maps, some which required bread ecos.
4.Name of the best girl player that time,what level she presented?
NDR_DRGN_VampSlayer (also known as Carmen). Level 90 most of the time, but as high as ~92 on some maps/settings. Very good with knights and 10pt / 20pt. A little inconsistent in some other settings, though. She was ((X2X))Meelman's 2v2 partner sometimes. The 2nd best girl player was ((X2X))Assassina, maybe level 88. She was also ((X2X))Meelman's 2v2 partner. Meelman had something for the women I guess.
5.Who was the best map maker?
Standard was of course the most famous, and I think the most creative. He made almost every map that experts played from 2003 - 2011, (even though he retired in 2006). All very different and variable maps, and sometimes strange and unique ideas, never a dull moment. He was a big influence on the community playing different maps, pt, settings, rules. He's a pro MMA fighter now. good map makers were Kohlzack, Peabody (you should see some of his maps, very cool, but he never distributed them), K@W Warlord (he made all those ultra high resource K@W maps, but also some nice normal maps), +DKS+Merlin († gone but not forgotten), and ((X2X))VIPER made a few nice ones.
6.How old was the oldest player you played with?
NDR-DRGN_Dalton, NDR-DRGN_DarkRealms, 1PILDID, DDDELLMAA, Shazzabog, and KingKobra were some of the oldest players I remember (40-50+). There was one guy who was in his 60s, I don't remember his name. NDR had the oldest average age at the time, with all the "family" people (moms and dads that just wanted to relax). They were of course, not as good in game, but nice people to talk too. Unfortunately, I didn't talk to them much, as I didn't give a shit about talking, just playing, so I'm a little sad I didn't get to know many of them better.
7.Could you tell me some information about 2 players if you know them: {GoC}Silent Killer and Ninja Shinobi
I've never heard of {GoC}Silent_Killer (or "assassin"). But don't forget I was probably the best player in the world since 2005, and was running a large clan (50+ players at peak) and all of its related politics (clan wars, tournaments, akas, internal conflicts, "train me please" from 90% of the members, and all the stupid shit that immature kids like us do and deal with in online communities, lol) for many years. I rarely got to know many of the 'mediums' or noobs (unfortunately), just mainly the top experts, so he may be telling the truth about being around in GSA and I may have never noticed him.
Ninja Shinobi LOL.... this guy was a fuckin piece of work. He had like 100 fucking accounts (in GR), all named the same shit (Ninja Shinobi), because people would block him and he would immediately go make a new one in 1 minute and come back, get blocked again, new account, etc... He would say things like "what the fuck u say to me?" and "i fuck you mather" nonstop. I was so curious about him that I started talking to him alot, and he was this crazy Iranian guy who hated America and said he wanted to kill people - and I think he was serious. I hope he's still in Iran, because that guy was fucking crazy. He seemed to disappear around 2011 or so, but I was starting to go inactive around that time, so I don't know. Let me know if you ever see / saw him again. I'm actually curious if he's still so crazy 10 years later...
Thanks again for bringing me back to these times :)
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~