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Posted by Mozart on Feb 03, 2020; 2:09pm
URL: http://the-best-of-crusader.24.s1.nabble.com/STRONGHOLD-CRUSADER-2020-tp7583287p7583412.html

Yes i was weak academy in these time . But i remember  ,you always when play in team cry for money and help , your teamate must doing everyhing what do you want , but when i need help you say something like ,,fuck off''.Always think you are best but without tm you are slow monkey.If i remember XCON Sparrow kick you from tourney because u use tm and he record this on stream . Shame to ,,top nof player '' like you think about yourself.You insult everyone who play on gr and challenge legends because you need improve yourself.If someone don't see ,this is my 2k5pt nof game on tourney vs top1 HiperUltraTop on nof YUG Szlachchielec  
and this is proof about his real face and his muppets https://youtu.be/QmMpi4AYmSk