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Posted by {>FuRY<} Viktor on Feb 02, 2020; 4:02am
URL: http://the-best-of-crusader.24.s1.nabble.com/STRONGHOLD-CRUSADER-2020-tp7583287p7583407.html

Hello SHC fellas! I hope you all are doing well in your lives. It's been a while since i have written anything here so i'm very excited to put forward my opinion and i see some great players here are sharing their experiences about this game so why not Me! (not to mention but i have played this game over 10 years and defeated almost every next guy on GR except few who were very old like HL etc ). I'm confident to share my experiences as i have seen actively most part of SHC after 2009 which many you haven't and i respect everyone.
First and foremost i have a confession, that i truly and utterly love this game and i would always love to play anytime and just like everyone else who have other prior things in life i have too. We all have our own passions based on the circumstances we are living and being a human we struggle everyday of our lives to satisfy ourselves. Before i go on i would like to ask you '' Is there anything worthwhile, which is not likely to be difficult''
For those who are playing SHC these days good for them and those who played in past and now have other passions(like tbag ), i'm happy for them too and perhaps we all are on the same direction. I also believe that SHC is more or less an oxygen to a top expert during its peak times and then just like every other top we used to think about other stuff as there's no fun in beating same players over and over. I'm going to be very brief now so perhaps most of you should read and understand.
1. There should always be a website to keep records of SHC and top list as what could be more precious than knowledge/History and we all know that wise people learn from their past and plan for the future. Without consistent list and records people like Gilman and some other will come forward and misguide us. Preaching false information is certainly dangerous and intolerable. (not being personal here to anyone but we have to keep facts in front of us so we can make better choices in future). So rule no. 1 we need a fair SHC List and surely this will encourage most player to perform better.
2. I pretty much agree with HolyLord on older players(before2011) being better in SHC as they didn't have to learn through watching youtube videos and trying same things like robots but rather they have learned by trial & error and of course by their respected teachers so which truly makes them smarter. Now a days there are endless videos on youtube  which players copy and play their games like idols without using their own brain and as well said by Holylord that they play same stuff 1000 times which might makes them faster but that can be achieved by playing for few weeks or days depending on our capabilities.( for me i think it would take me 10 days to beat pretty much anyone who is top now in no f these days, again point is not to brag or anything but to help you understand that this could be accomplished  by any older top expert but they might have other important stuff to do). Hence proved Older players are better.
3. I would agree to disagree with HL about his thoughts on Maly as he wasn't so good as people think of him or he could be when i went inactive after 2012 for a while but Maly never had guts to play like a great player. He would hide like a rat when top experts are active and the moment he would found that you are rusty and came back from inactivity he would gladly join ). And i clearly remember him playing vs Dingo and uploading a video with caption X-CON Bragging best vs Dingo and how can i forget the joke Riva cracked about Maly that he is after another inactive player and he's gonna brag later so which exactly happened as we predicted. Maly couldn't do worse and Dingo we surely respect you for being brave and giving him chance to show his skills but his victory was fruitless in his own eyes/ours and has no count, on the contrary i enjoyed watching you playing still well in that game, Imagine yourself beating an inactive player and bragging that doesn't even make sense so why are we wasting our time here. I'm sure Tbag would agree as he owned maly in march 2013 with 3-1 when Maly thought he was The best and bragging on gr that bring Holylord i want 1v1, but your victory has taught him a good lesson so there is no point for Holylord to come and play with him.  
4.I would like to talk more and more but perhaps some other time, for now i can share a quick list so we all know what's closer to the truth.
It would be a pity to rank such Great Players so i would choose a more preferable method and i will leave rest upon you.
We have Blacky Masosz Geralt Maly Lider Dingo Tbag Viktor(Me) Riva Shork Defs some fine ones i can think real quick.
5. Last but not the least whatever new players you are talking about Szlaza or whoever, it gladdens me to accept any challenges and we can play in couple weeks.
