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Posted by {{DHK}}HolyLord on Feb 01, 2020; 10:27am
URL: http://the-best-of-crusader.24.s1.nabble.com/STRONGHOLD-CRUSADER-2020-tp7583287p7583400.html

Another long response!  

About your question "why so many people don't like to learn different maps, settings, rules? What happened?"

From 2002-2010 or so, we had some people like me, Standard, FireDragon, Meelman, Peabody, K@W Warlord, etc, that were very well respected in the community.  These people were often the people who encouraged new maps, rules, settings, etc.  Many of them (like Standard, Warlord, Peabody) were good map makers, and game theorists, and their new maps were always played in the official tournaments; always maps with different resource amounts and 'strange' terrain.  Because many of us 'leaders' always pushed for new & different rules & maps, everyone followed.  I think its the responsibility of the people at the top to make that change, and all the 'mediums' and 'noobs' will have to follow.  I always tried to force people to play different things; sometimes they hated it, but they would have to play it anyways because I was HolyLord (lol), and that kept things moving.  It was a very large community too, in GameSpy, and everyone had their 'favorite' rules/maps, etc (X2X had theirs, LT-U had theirs, =G$F= had theirs, etc), so to truly be 'the best' you had to be able to beat everyone on their own maps/rules, not to mention the tournaments, which always had very random and different rules/maps/settings.  Because of this, the top players always were prepared for everything, and focused more on understanding and 'feeling' the game instead of memorizing/practicing particular maps, rules, strategies, etc.

About your other questions:

1. Which player was the fastest opponent to you?
    If I don't count myself or Bartholo, then I think FireDragon, Hunter, Meelman, Masosz, Dracula, and maybe even Blacky & Geralt, were probably the fastest players I remember, at their peaks.

2. How much time you play longest single game 1-1?
     My longest 1v1 was vs Bartholo in 2006, which went for 6 days (save, load, save, load, etc).  Camp vs camp.  Other than Bartholo, I had some long games vs good campers like X-CON Str0ng and Peabody.  Many of my longest solo games have been 1v2s, and not 1v1s.   I remember a nice long 1v2 I played in 2010 or so vs X-CON Ares & X-CON Geralt, which was one of the funnest and most challenging games I remember from my GameRanger times (2009 - 2011/12).

3.Who was the best eco maker in your period.
    Bartholo and I were the best eco makers in my period.  Nobody (except bartholo) ever even tried to break our eco records, so we never had any eco competition.  This is why I was so happy to see Lancelot finally do it in 2019, and why I reinstalled SHC to try again.

4.Who was the best rusher and the best camper?
    Again, I think bartholo and I were the best rushers and also the best campers (sorry if this sounds like a bad answer again and again).  Pretty much every top player in my day were good rushers - you had to be a good rusher to be a good player.  Some other good campers were X-CON Str0ng, Peabody, T-Bag.

5.Do you remember any great talent that never show his full potential?
    Interesting question.  I think Gx_S0ck3tz` could have been a much better player than he was.  To give some explanation, socketz was the best SH1 player for many years, and started playing SHC in 2006/07.  He spent a good bit of time playing SHC, and started becoming good, but never really committed to it enough to become a top expert, although I think he could have if he continued with it.  I think X-CON Geralt could have become one of the best players ever, but he didn't get enough training from me and Arma while he was in DHK  :P.    DHK Killa was another one.  He had a major health emergency and disappeared and never came back to SHC; very sad.  We thought he died, but found out 10 years later he was alive, thankfully.  There were also many players that were very good but never really showed off their skills much or didn't get very recognized in the community (like LTU min2kas & LTU vytass, NDR-DRGN_VampSlayer, G$W Warlord & G$W Razi, and many more).

6.Who was most crazy/annoying player that time?
    DevilSpawn was probably the craziest mother fucker in the history of Stronghold: Crusader.  I can tell you more about him if you'd like, and some other stories, but every old player will remember this guy for being a true crazy.  Some other crazy/annoying people were {GoC}M.GEN-7WINNER7 (some stories about him if you want to know), and from GR, yugod Gilman (this guy spent his life making up fake histories about me, and I never even knew him).  X2X Shazzabog was also a bit annoying (always saying some shit about me), but I think I annoyed him more because I always called him my little 'baby boy' (because I recruited Satdive to X2X in 2005 and trained him, and Satdive recruited and trained Shazzabog).  There were many other players that could fit the description "crazy", but in different ways (like Bartholo, FD, Fubar, DarkRealms, Hampton, Blaze, Nassassin, and many more...)

Thanks for the Q's. I actually enjoyed answering these questions more than I thought I would.  Made me think about some things I haven't thought about for 10-15 years.  There is so much, I feel like I could write many books about it all, lol
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~