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Re: Strongest Stronhold Crusader Player Ever

Posted by MAX POWER on Jan 06, 2013; 6:29pm
URL: http://the-best-of-crusader.24.s1.nabble.com/Strongest-Stronhold-Crusader-Player-Ever-tp7582106p7582125.html

Just because gilman said he is a pharmacist (rather a student than a real pharmacist so far i guess) it doesn't mean all others are doing shit and being lazy. I dont confuse you with my terms noone of you is supposed to understand but if you can't speak using normal language acceptable to ALL you expect it will make you superior and more intelligent so you advice others to study.
Now about your terms, really. what is a tower of Babylon? I couldnt even google it because i only know Babel, and i hardly found connections  between what you and fatty talked.
Just answer me please ! i tried my best to get knowledge myself ...