Posted by
{{DHK}}HolyLord on
Oct 02, 2012; 6:21am
Let's continue.
Lie #6Question 1: Name the 10 original members of X2X.
!Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF wrote
2.wrath,firedragon,dark knigh,stealth,dark king,pure blood,kyo sama maybe idk for him,ener,crescent and company came few years later,hunter maybe,fanatic,deez,exotic,bolton,white shadow is kinda old too,major dick later,tweety,snipes(for him idk if it were same percon as goc snipes),holylord,you were too later dk i cant remember all,i am not sure for all...Because you know plz name someone else if know,but dont say again lies like for devil(he wasnt x2x,he were)-.-
I asked "yugod gilman" for 10 names. He gave me 10. Unfortunately, almost all of them were wrong :)
Stealth was not one of the first 10 Members of X2X.
Kyo-Sama was not one of the first 10 Members of X2X.
Ener was not one of the first 10 Members of X2X.
DarkKing was not one of the first 10 Members of X2X.
Crescent was not one of the first 10 Members of X2X.
"Company" was never even a member of X2X.
So "yugod gilman" got 4/10, which is easy if you just make some random guesses of X2X players.
Second, "yugod gilman" said
!Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF wrote
and company came few years later,hunter maybe,fanatic,deez,exotic,bolton,white shadow is kinda old too,major dick later
DeezNuts, Exotic, and Bolton did not "come a few years later".
DeezNutz, Exotic, Bolton came in 2002-2003. They were from the original 10 members of X2X. Any player from old times would know this.
ANY player. Hunter and Fanatic came after them.
"yugod gilman" listed "Major Dick later", even after hunter, fan, deez, whiteshadow. But MajorDick came in 2003,
also one of the first X2X players ever.
The most funny thing in gilman's quote is that he includes WhiteShadow with Hunter, Fan, Deez, Xotic, Bolton, and MajorDick. But WhiteShadow wasn't even in X2X until many years later, like 2007. He is one of the newest X2X players ever in GSA. Including him with players Deez, MajorDick, and Bolton is such a bad joke and demonstrates a lack of knowledge of old times.
It's like saying "some very old history characters are Charlemagne, Napoleon, Queen Elizabeth, Barack Obama, Voltaire, and Tsar Peter the Great." Why would you include Barack Obama , as if he was some extremely old person from historic days? You can even ask WhiteShadow about this and he will tell you how stupid this comment is.
Lie #7"yugod gilman" said:
!Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF wrote
2.wrath,firedragon,dark knigh,stealth,dark king,pure blood,kyo sama maybe idk for him,ener,crescent and company came few years later,hunter
Unfortunately, he owned himself again. All players from that time know that
Kyo-Sama =
Lie #8
!Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF wrote
And dont use a sites i add in my site to get some proofs of your shits.and i am sure devilspawn were x2x somewhere in pass.HERE IS THE PROOF(IN YOUR OWN SITE) NAMED "IMPERSORATERS OF DHK" IN IS PROOF EVEN HOLYLORD LIES AND MAKE FAKE THINGS,AND HE FORGOT A LOT OF THEM.PATHETIC.
"(X2X)Devilspawn666 has hacked {DHK}HolyKnight{GEN} and is using his account. Devilspawn is also using multiple accounts"=
DevilsSpawn was never in X2X. Yes, the original DHK website says "(X2X)Devilspawn666 has hacked" but this doesn't mean DevilsSpawn was in X2X. If "yugod gilman" knew anything about DevilsSpawn, he would have known that DevilsSpawn used to change his name many times to many clan tags, but was never actually in X2X.
He was never a member of X2X, nobody ever recruited him -
he was actually an enemy of X2X.You can ask any old player about this, and they will know. Ask Merlin.
Also, "yugod gilman" sounds very desperate and crazy, and it appears that he is screaming when he "TALKS LIKE THIS !!!!" Unfortunately, it does not increase the truth of what you say, "yugod gilman".
*EDIT* If you look on Part 1 comments, you will see Merlin made a post which he said:
Merlin wrote
Actually Devilspawn was notorious for using other peoples names and clan tags. I do not believe he was ever a member of X2X,.
Lie #9 "yugod gilman's" lie is pretty clear here, he mentioned on his website that "HolyLord was just a member" (not a founder or leader), but the original DHK website lists Holylord as a founder/leader.
Yes, Theoden founded the original DHK in 2003, but that was never something which I tried to hide. It's even on the DHK website home page , which is how "gilman" discovered this fact (he found all he says one some old websites, he wasn't actually there - gilman is new player from 2009). When I say that "me and barth are the founders of DHK" I mean we founded the new DHK. It's not like I'm trying to hide some hidden secret history of Theoden. "yugod gilman" is just so paranoid and crazy that he looks for anything to accuse me of.
Lie #10
!Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF wrote
1.I didnt get any names from website
He didn't get any name from website? lol
But on "yugod gilman" website he said: Destructor never used GameSpy. He only played with us via IP. He was HolyDragon's friend and couldn't connect through GameSpy. The only way you could have gotten his name was from the DHK website, where he was listed.
Also every name "yugod gilman" put on his list is from some website, and like I said in Part 1, he did not include any members which were not listed on a website.
Lie #11
!Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF wrote
5.Sanitarium were a founder of ulc(untolld legens of crusader) he were a dhk earlier
Wrong, Sanitarium was DHK
after ULC.
I still talk to Sanitarium often online, and I can get him to come here himself and confirm that "yugod gilman" is lying.
Best 3 Lies of The Day:Lie #12
!Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF wrote
11.Meelman were a founder of clan called JEDI.(earlier he were TSA council(i am sure you dont know it because you suck in this info)),after it he change to Goc
Meelman was in GoC first, then JEDI.
TSA was even later ....
"yugod gilman" got all 3 clan times wrong. I still know leaders from GoC and TSA lol, and I still know Meelman, I can have them all tell the truth themselves.
Lie #13This lie is one the best, and for any player who played in older years, it makes it obvious that "yugod gilman" is actually a new player.
My Question: Who were the two founders of HELL clan?
Gilman Answer:
!Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF wrote
4.two:Dzu and lord of hell,devilspawn later and del666 were leader i forgot almost all about hell's idk for devilspawn but dzua and lord of hell were founders
Dzu and Lord of Hell did not found HELL clan.
Even experts from these days know that. Ask them.
Bonus Lie of the DayThis is One of the Greatest Lies of All Times:
!Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF wrote
3.For it in my head GSF is earlier came to GSA,that is truth.X2X came later.but they still get to be strong in nwa in later times.So GSF comes earlier.
Best lie ever. lmao
This is the single lie which confirms that "yugod gilman" is a new player in SHC.
Any player which played from 2002-2005 (at least) knows that
X2X came before G$F. There isn't even a question or argument about it.
~ HL
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~