Re: suggestion: NO SHIELDS rule
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~SW~ EaglePrince on
Sep 27, 2011; 5:59pm
When you think about it, while players use shields so much, all these stuff don't matter... Hills and towers don't matter cause of the shields - they are just too powerful, and they give players much more advantage than hills and even towers! I guess shields are the reason why there are no maps with hills - which is the same reason why players don't build any castles. Also, "expert SH:C players" don't want to spend too much time - they want to kill each other quickly, and not to deal with hills and reliefs... Now fights in no f fs games are very simplified, but in the same time effective cause of the shields. This is why they use shields! If they had no shields, they wouldn't be able to send some horse archery with shields to wipe out a whole castle! They would have to think much more, and sieges would be more complicated, and that would be better in fact! That would be the game we love, don't you think that too!?