Re: 50 Missions VS Bots. Time record
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~SW~ EaglePrince on
Sep 08, 2011; 11:15pm
I was trying to figure out, why is a lot of people here talking to each other with no respect. You should try this, cause only that way GR can become a better stuff! And after some thinking and talking about this problem with some other people, I just came to this conclusion - you must be a kid when you are acting like this, you haven't learn yet how to act! You are insulting a person in your first sentence. Instead of saying "hi", you said "hey, your clan suck" for example, what you said to me. That is not the way! If you are older then 20 years, you should be really shamed, cause you are acting like you are way younger!
Now about my ages: you have already visited my website, there you can see my ages!

And about sitting on PC all night long: have you heard something about different time zones!?

And when I post something, I set it to receive an email notification when somebody posts a reply! I check my email often, but not because of some fucking forums - I have smarter thing than that, to check my mailbox for!
Oh, yeah, and try to make one sentence without this "suck"... Or your brains system requirements are to low for a task like that!?