Re: 50 Missions VS Bots. Time record
Posted by
~SW~ EaglePrince on
Sep 08, 2011; 6:20pm
Hahahaha, you are right about that!

In fact, I have already decided not to waste my time for kids, only I get pissed off when someone stupid offenses me, or my friend, or anything... Because of that I have decided not to play expert games anymore. Now I play only noobish games with people from game ranger I do know, and this way I am having way more fun. None of us is a leaver, or use cheats, and sometimes we find some good player who wants to joins us in the clan. And I am advising to all those players I meat not to join this "expert world" - sadly there are much more those kids, that fight among themselves about nothing, and make "aka" accounts thinking how they are smart. Many players come to GR to play SHC which has been for some time their favorite strategy although it is 10 years old (which is amazing to me), and then after getting in touch to those players, they lose their interest for to play. What I hate the most is when they start calling some other player a noob, but in my opinion - 99% of us are not noobs, noobs are persons who has just started playing a game... Sadly: too much bullshit on Gameranger!

I will stay here on this forums, I still hope that here can appear some clever post.