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Re: 50 Missions VS Bots. Time record

Posted by ~SW~ EaglePrince on Sep 07, 2011; 4:55pm
URL: http://the-best-of-crusader.24.s1.nabble.com/50-Missions-VS-Bots-Time-record-tp6750239p6768587.html


Oh no, in fact u suck, and u know why? Because I know most of my clan mates, and I trust them - we play for fun, and we play for fun, while u lost yourself in this fake aka world called GameRanger, trying to prove how some other players are "noobs" and you are some fucking expert! Go out, and have some life!

Slavic Warlords is not me, or my website, Slavic Warlords are all of us in the clan, and we are the clan, it is not formed of some aka's from other clans, or something like that.

And you know what else: we do not want do be a part of your stinky world!

There is some clever saying in my language:
     "Набијем те на курац!"
I can't find any better words in english that would fit better for you, and you don't deserve anything else!