What are ya?
Posted by
{{DHK}}Dragos on
Jul 14, 2011; 8:42pm
URL: http://the-best-of-crusader.24.s1.nabble.com/What-are-ya-tp6584817.html
Which of the characters below what you like to be?Answer HonestGive some time to this post and read it well,it may be fun for some players
Stone Masons: They work in the quarry cutting and carving stone. Some
say they have their own mysterious society where masons indulge in a sacred
ritual known as trouser leg rolling.
Iron Miners: They work long hours underground, smelting and delivering
iron. Iron miners are cold-hearted individuals with a bleak outlook on life
and it can prove difficult to break through their hardened exteriors.
Pitch Diggers: These people extract pitch from the surrounding marshland.
Unfortunately, working in this environment has had an adverse effect on
their sense of smell so pitch workers have an even more acute personal
hygiene problem than your average medieval citizen.
Mill Boys: These young lads rush wheat to your mill, hastily grind it up,
then quickly deliver the flour. Mill boys seem to have an endless supply of
Drover: He takes stone from the quarry pile, loads it onto his ox then, delivers
the stone to your main stockpile. The drover is a big softy at heart,
spending most of his spare time at rhyme and verse.
Baker: He bakes bread to help feed your people. The baker comes across as
a happy and sensitive gentleman. He is also at the center of much village
Brewer: She brews the ale for your inns. The brewer has a problem focusing
and walking straight. She regularly tastes what she brews and gets into trouble
for shouting slurred insults at strangers in the street.
Innkeeper: He distributes ale among your workers. The innkeeper is a jolly
red-faced gent who has his thumb on the pulse of the nation and knows
about all the latest fads.
Drunkard: These wobbly individuals will appear when your inns are up and
running. You will see them staggering around in zigzag patterns only stopping
to drink some more ale.
Fletcher: He crafts bows and crossbows for your troops. The fletcher regularly
invites people around for tea so he can tell them all about his bad leg.
Armorer: He crafts metal armor for your soldiers. The armorer is a military
veteran and a well-respected figure in the castle, always ready with a new tale
to tell the children.
Blacksmith: He forges your swords and maces. The blacksmith is usually a
quiet and reserved gentleman. Unfortunately he has a rather short fuse and
has a tendency to burst into fits of rage without notice.
Poleturner: He turns spears and pikes for your troops. The poleturner
spends his days contemplating the meaning behind a spinning piece of wood
and comes across as a subdued introvert, but is in fact the wisest character in
the game.
Tanner: She is a strong willed woman and has no problem dispatching your
cows, then sewing them into attractive leather garments for your soldiers to
wear. The tanner has an abrasive manner about her, which is coupled with an
exceptionally dominant personality.
Priests: They spread joy by carrying out blessings and weddings. Due to
their strict order, medieval priests are not allowed a sense of humor.
Healer: He clears up any clouds of disease, which float around your castle.
The healer spends a lot of time walking in the woods to gather his herbs and
sometimes disappears for days on end.
Market Trader: He will arrive when a market place is built. The trader is a
quick talking fellow who holds himself confidently. He is always ready to
negotiate the fairest and best possible deal for himself.
Juggler: He comes to your castle with the traveling fair to entertain your
people. The juggler is a skittish character that finds it impossible to sit still
for two minutes and has a fear of commitment.
Fire-eater: The fire-eater is also part of the traveling fair and really knows
how to captivate the audience with his collection of cunning stunts. He no
longer has any body hair due to an unfortunate incident over a brazier.Have fun reading about Medieval People
This world cannot sustain real truth.All truth inevitabilly becomes impure...all truth inevitabilly becomes a LIE.