Re: Does Turbo Mouse ruin Stronghold Crusader Gameplay?
Posted by Dr.Peabody on Feb 05, 2010; 5:13pm
SHC has, out of necessity, pushed me to develop a 13x+ per second click speed. This is a huge advantage over those who can not yet click that fast. Though, sometimes it feels like my hand is gonna fall off lol; I'd almost consider it a design flaw of the game to not have a multi-clicker, much like you'd see in other RTS (like holding down ctrl or shift, for example, to click 5 or 10 times.)
Let's stop for a second to define a cheat.
What is a cheat? I'd generally think of a cheat as a deliberate unfair advantage beyond certain defined boundaries of the game, usually by some aid to alter the game, else an exploitation of a glitch. Is it cheating that I can click faster than another person? No, of course not - that would fall under the category of physical skill.
What if, however, one had 2 mice? That would then enable them to click faster than one with only a single mouse, potentially giving a significant advantage. But it seems silly to call someone a cheater because they have better hardware - two mice, just as it would be silly to call someone a cheater in a FPS game because they have a faster PC or internet connection. Furthermore, no alterations are being made to the game in any way, and no glitches are being exploited.
What if one had a mouse that physically had a turbo feature? Again, this would provide an advantage, but again it would seem silly to call someone a cheater because they have better hardware. To make another analogy, it would be like calling an athlete a cheater because he has access to better training equipment.
Now let's look at the software side - a "turbo mouse" program. This could be as simple as a macro. Anyone can make a simple macro for their PC. They could make a macro for multiple clicks. They could make a macro that presses H for the keep and then scrolls up or down to instantly change taxes. etc.
- I know some of you may be thinking it, so I'll bring up another sports analogy: Steroids. Pretty much all athletes, theoretically, could use steroids as a "soft" aid to boost their performance, thus giving them an advantage. This, however, is generally frowned upon in sports. Before you go and make a link to "turbo mouse", though, I'll tell you that this is a straw-man. The primary purpose behind banning steroid is an ethical issue related to physical, mental, and physiological health (but the actual effects are debatable.) Case in point: Protein shakes can also boost one's physical performance, but no one is gonna go out there and tell an athlete that they can't have one.
So, then, I must fall back of prior premises - said macros can be used any time and are not bound to the game nor alter the game itself in any way.
Protein shake : Steroids
"Turbo Mouse" : Trainer
It would then seem to me that "Turbo Mouse" is not, in fact, a "cheat". However, it's still up to the game's community to decide if it's taboo or not, lol.