screw these shitheads

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screw these shitheads

feanor,rs,avenger and some others shitheads u dumb stupid people have made a mockery out of shc and u took out the fun of playing this game,everybody cries and everybody brags just because of ur stupid sites u dumb sons of bitches have taken away all the joy from shc community. Hope u r happy u turds.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: screw these shitheads

fahad you again want get beated by victor in real? xD
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Re: screw these shitheads

.|E-U|.Rusted Sword
Shutup 10 years old Kid !! . If you left shc then why are again and again arguing and posting shit on forums just leave shc community ..
Feanor he talks same shit some years back and when victor goes his home then ... :P We see 10 years old kid comed saying Hello Brother How are you :P
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Re: screw these shitheads

rs u r a fucking pussy. I have a dick and its loaded to fuck u anytime u cowardly pussy. if u wanted to settle this as a man then come out and fight me u bitch. we r probably the same age and i bet i can fuck that big talk of urs anytime.
is viktor ur pet that he do only what u say he will. FYI there is a guy who lives here and pays rent to us and hes a major in ISI. if u dont believe me ask W@W Adnan who is aragorn brother.
Get Schwifty.
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Re: screw these shitheads

.|E-U|.Rusted Sword
LoL This tells your courage Fahad . My family is in Isi :D .. What i do if they are in ISI ? xD