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hi I am player shc from 2004 and am see many things in lifetime. one is important now i say because i see this guy not say truth but lie to save heself... yugot gilman. him are the worse cheater im see in many years. and worse are liar. him say cheaters are hl, fd, etc but im know these players are honest + noble. im have evidence of this too. but yugod gilman? who is this guy? anybody know? well let me tell you. he are come to this game not very long, but he say he come long - this are not true. he want u think he know much about shc history, but he know only what he read from other website/liars/oldplayers/etc. in truth, he is cheater the most, why u think he have all cheat program? because he are most cheater - but he want people think he are honest player. this are lie, he call other player cheater so he appear as true sayer. but i was in him clan for 3 months, and after this time he are send me program and tell me fight x-con with cheats. this guy are cheater and not should be listen to, i speak truth now because all must know this liar
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Xaxaxxaaxxaxaxaax This is the most funiest story i ever heqard,lolard....
SHOW JUST 1 EVIDENCE AND PROOF if you have?ofc you dont have. he is oldest here but i dont wana speak in his name,he speaks for himself. You are just some paki retard or darkhell who cant understand his helping but that kind of idiots we do not afraid. xaxaxaax he sent you a program give me a ss of that when he give you that and sey to you that?what a retardewd boy and weak story,verry weak.he dont lie becasue he dont have reason,and you wasnt in yu god or was when he WASNT ACTIVE in clan so he cant send ou that!SO YOU ARE LIAR!next time build better stor for lie, peace... ADD HIM AND SPEAK WITH HIM Dragisa-Gile Obradovic IN FB. |
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LOL U DONT KNOW TRUTH!!!! yugod gilman send me cheat program when i in his clan for 3 months and he tell me "go kill x-con with this cheat :) " man this guy is so loser and liar, i dont trust him nothing and nobody should trust him he only want make people look bad and himself look good ... but i have evidence he is cheater and liar ... also ado yug have evidence please ask him he show u that gilman cheater
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LoL.still thiss converzation is over.Dont speak anymore aka and retard about some things that is not true or right.Gilman wad never told bad about any clan(except DHK)but for all he said he show proof and explanation so all believe.Post ss of your sending cheats or converzation retard.GILMAN is a founder of clan who exist from 2002 in cs and later in dota and shc and many more games,he is onest,rightfull and he never cheat or alowed some member to cheat.that is ilegaly in !Yu.GoD! clan from begining.In cs !Yu.GoD! clan isnt a amateur clan it is pro clan who won world online cs championship in 2005 as GLORIA name so you will realize much more about this clan if you were in our clan.But you arent you are just stupid DARKHELL who trying make him idiot becuase he kicked you and i exposed you.
Just give evidence retard,you cant give becuse you dont have it.Try make some fake. peace. |
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you are wrong mokka, yugod gilman did not play from 2002 and yugod is new clan ~ 2009. you are noob and gilman is noob too. you dont know what you talk about. "Truth_exposed" is right what he say: yugod is liar and cheater. hl is truly best, all old players know and all new players know except those who believe yugod liar. yugod dont play shc long time, he only play from 2009 and he only cheat. nobody care about cs, this is shc, YUGOD SUCK AT SHC AND GILMAN SUCK AT SHC EVEN IF HE CHEAT HAHAHAHAHAHAH u will never be good like holylord or other old player. YU GOD GILMAN HAVE NO EVIDENCE of what he say BUT WE HAVE EVIDENCE YUGOD IS LIAR AND CHEATER AND NEW PLAYER. old players gone so now he say he is old player, but its not true, he dont know anything about shc, he is jealous of hl skill and old player glory. you suck and gilman suck and cheat. i have many screenshot proof that yugod gilman cheater. also ado yug know. ask him. also "truth_exposed" have screenshot and conversation that yugod said "hl best player and not cheater" and also i too join yugod long ago with aka and YUGOD GILMAN GIVE ME CHEATS AND SAY "PLAY HL WITH THIS CHEAT AND KILL HIM" but hl killed me and killed gilman .. hl best
~ The Many Speak Through Me ~
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What a shame. I knew there was something suspicious about that gilman guy.... Too bad he's a dirty cheater. He wants to be like HL, but he never will. Cheat's wont make good player sorry gilman. Learn to play without cheats please. Also stop your lying. I played from 2004 and I never saw you gilman or your shit clan "yugod" with shit name.
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In reply to this post by oneOfMany
Just give one evidence.Nobody dont care about you retards.JUST ONE EVIDENCE!
But noone was saying yu god was playing since 2002 in shc it plays sice 2002 cs and from 2009-2010 yu god is in shc as clan and GILMAN WAS PLAYING FROM 2002 SHC!not as clan name he has a diferent name then so ask him for proof.or smt like it.Idc about you because ypu8 are liening do you know gilman? tell smt about him? you canr you dont know him you are aka and liar only,and stop changing acc and spreading lies. i believe him because he is the oldest here he posted all lies and true about DHK,give solution for cheats,give all tricks,and all akas tools all and he didnt get nothing he just try to made better comunity in other server where cant cheat.REad all page of site so you wil lsee www.ultimateshcinfo.tk |
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maybe you are trying to create better community by calling others retards, saying "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL" in completely not funny situations? you are in the wrong way.
that thing about cs was so funny btw. you dont care about what we think about gilman, but also, why we should give a fuck about him if nobody knows who is he? |
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In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!MoKkA*
"Nobody dont care about you retards.JUST ONE EVIDENCE!
But noone was saying yu god was playing since 2002 in shc it plays sice 2002 cs and." llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooool , you lie about this and all other , hl the best player + FD and Massoz , old ppl know this.
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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I dont have power to talking with percons without braing.You need togrow up and to be older to understand what about i talking.
and about gilman ask him all you need. |
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you dont have power talking with persons without brains but u have not brains.... everyone know yugod gilman is most cheater and most liar in shc. he are new player and cheater liar idiot no brains, how u talking him? u are retard and dumbass. you know nothing and gilman know nothing. only liars and fake stories.
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Yea,and he prove fake DHK,you retarded darkhell and i am new i admit i come at end od 2010 bbut he is oldest here look his id and oter thingas but nevertheles you are retarded aka.end.
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In reply to this post by AnonymousRebelPilot
Yea,and he prove fake DHK,you retarded darkhell and i am new i admit i come at end od 2010 bbut he is oldest here look his id and oter thingas but nevertheles you are retarded aka.end.
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he didnt prove anything he only said some lies. truth is: i proved yugod gilman is liar and also changed this lie from truth . he is not real founder of yugod so he say this lie about DHK. i am have evidence to prove this - yugod is fake clan. EXPOSED. now everybody know truth.
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In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!MoKkA*
dhk =/= fake,I know this cuz i played then,real founders of DHK = Bartholo89+HolyLord-the greatest players ever in SHC,stop lie noob and accept the real truth please.
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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