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Why Civo is T-Bag? Read this and you'll be sure.

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Why Civo is T-Bag? Read this and you'll be sure.

When i joined DF T-bag was so active,and Civo rarely played.T-Bag was teaching me things,we gave links to each other cuz we listen same music - rap.After some period i started to think that Civo = Tbag.
I asked him " Why Civo doesn't play like you? He said " He don't want to talk with people,he play 3/4 games and go offline <<< rofl.

Do you guys see?He again lie.Civo right know talk very much with people,play much games..but after every my post they want to change everything.
One day Civo came online.Szeky,Dingo and me were in room.
> [>D-F<]~Civonarish~F joined room<
[>D-F<]~Dingo:oooooooooooooooh Civo         << Dingo is again act fool....

When T-Bag all the time were online,he never invited me to play 1vs1 or 2vs2,but everytime when Civo came online first thing what he did was inviting me to the room.That was strange.Why he did that?Answer is simple,because he wanted to hide that he is Tbag-person who never calls me to the room.
Civo then had 3/4 games and went offline.He has played more 1vs1 with description " 1VS1 EXPERTS" like T-Bag do now.

After some period they decided to tell me that Civo is T-Bag because i found it.Since then i know it.
Before they told me that i wanted to get informations from Civo and Tbag and then to see are they 1.
I asked Civo " What music do you listen"? He said " Rock"     <<< Civo again act a fool

But as i said,when i found him they had to tell me.Btw did you remember that Civonarish kicked Erec from the clan? He told me " When you see TBag tell him to kick erec from the clan << civo again act a fool.

When T-Bag came online i told him but he said " i already know".Hmmm how he can already knew?
They are friends from real life ? Hahah not really,they are 1 person since they start to play shc.Tbag never existed.

What is logic? Logic is that of course that DF leaders will hide to deny it now and to talk how i talk everything because i'm mad because of kicking from DF <<< Lol.

When they told me that he is Tbag i asked " Who know for that? They answered " Only you,Tony and Dingo".
One day i have said to ADO that Civonarish is Tbag,and he was really suprised.Btw Tbag was mad on me because of that.
But now Civonarish is in blocked list of ADO...since ado defeated him in 1vs1.