Dog,Dingo is the best noob dog of world / GR . so There he is lol , Dog block me cuz i wrote GR room description : ''Dingo Best Dog Of World'' , Then he start Taking to me ... (LIKE DOG) , After all he wanted to i remove my cool desciption .. i did so . But After 2 mins i put it again !! So he block me , got angry little puppy. Again a nother pussy .
Top Pussy's of recent time's= Apokalpis (Hes mad abt 2v1 with HL and cant speak english good ,Also cant talk like a reall man , so he block me ,Call DHK cheaters , And Also mad abt loser caln Elite .), Dingo (Again Mad of Cvo=T-bag, And abt himsleft being noob dog - of world.)
Ur replaying this messege 999999 times. And HL dont use that shit cheat.Ur just aka from, clan W@W , who thinks is best.Stop Act noob or being ..ur self.