Who has most posts (useless and meaning less)?

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Who has most posts (useless and meaning less)?

//_ord @lexander
1)Dark hell  Even HL wont visit his forums as frequently as DH
"Madda gudara lanjaa kodakallara! " google for it u know meaning in 100 yrs lol :)
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Re: Who has most posts (useless and meaning less)?

Dingo,me and Unframed and few others talk much on forum and because of us this forum is alive and HL can be happy...so fuck off nobody cares for opinion of an retarted motherfucker like you

Die in hell motherfucker.....

"Tbag never existed".
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Re: Who has most posts (useless and meaning less)?

//_ord @lexander
Yes iam mother fucker because i fucked ur mother if u want i will fuck u too what say?


your mom never existed!
but u exist today!
"Madda gudara lanjaa kodakallara! " google for it u know meaning in 100 yrs lol :)