So the question is which clan is best clan in the world. lets analyze what clans are active these days.
This is not for the best player but best clan. do you think DHK is best clan?
well they have only 3 good players. Masosz, shazzabog, Firedragon. and the rest of them are dickhead noobs
like jay,oxapam,adoyug,Big jaffery all of them.
its almost dead. :)
its growing now but still they have 2 expert players though.
:O this is hell of clan nowdays so many people active but are they good?
I do not agree with your descriptions of every clan. And you forgot about few good clans. It's hard to say which clan is the best - we can't just look at clan's history. DHK has great players, but X-CON has much more active members. X2X is not the same X2X, I have my personal opinion how it could be fixed, but as Shazza said "it is not my buisness anymore". D-F is still growing and we should focuss on them right now, they can become the best clan soon.
We have 3 main clans now - DHK, X-CON and D-F. Sorry to say that, but X2X won't get in top3 fast.
I would agree with your describtion Dingo.
However, X-CON's members are mostly from Poland, that's a shame. As i said before, active members is the best side of X-CON. In my opinion both X-CON and D-F have the same number of experts - Lider, Luis, Blacky, Ares vs Tony, TBag, Dingo and Civo. And look now on DHK, how many active experts? HL, Garnett, Hackett, Libanon - four ! Same as D-F and X-CON. ( sorry if I forgot about someone ). And now X2X! FD, Shazza and Masosz - three.
Now the rest of active members:
X-CON have about 8 active members.
D-F - well, 2 or 3?
DHK - 3-4
X2X - 2-3 members of X2X and 2-3 of T2X.
D-F have a problem, Dingo you can't just wait for good players, you must find noobs and train them.
We can say wahtever we want about training members in X2X, but as we can see they have more recruits and new players than any other clan.
DHK is DHK - they just wait for good players to come. When Luis was in DHK he was trying to get new people in and that's all.