Re: What else could we excpect from a W@W ? Quit ? 1 more example
Well when he was going good and had cats he was there then i kicked his ass and he was w8ing for a Lagg and he got it He quitted there cant be good reason too quit.
Also X-CON Atyyla quiter + it was hes rules , map and he used cheat and i saw granary open counting a bread :) too bad Atyyla ask Ares to train u more .. I dont have SS cuz i was killing hes lord and then after he cancel game and call me cheater lol then Maly said ''u laggger chiter idiot , 1v1 ? '' lol They are realy stupid and look ares i beat him so he havent have much talent as me as u said he has more than me , lol ..
i played vs aragon yesterday too. he was already smashed, and diebanded his remained units, but somewhy lag appearded and aragon has gone. its sad that crashes happen when there is no more action left and eemy doesnt even have army . anyway after an hour he wrote "gg" to me, so he doesnt deny his lost
Hey Fahad u suck , all who are speaking upon this topic are way better than u ... today i asked u for 2v1 u were scared of it too and u here ur tryna decide whose a quitter ..
Hit me up for a game , Owning u is cake , now dont bark prove it in game ;p
Re: What else could we excpect from a W@W ? Quit ? 1 more example
Fahad is even better than Xcon Atyyla lol and u call him expert , hahah. And as Fahad dont use any kind cheats or speed glithes , double workers .. Fahad is even better than Atyyla useing T-Search Becuz Atyyla need to learn prove in Army and hes slow :( But u call him Expert and better than me lool , Yeah Fahad is better than atyyla which ur calling him '' expert better than me'' lol + I think u havent play a game with fahad .. -try him on No Fire only rule hes good ; ) Dont talk before u knw
naruto if someone cheat like u and ferocious who use tm anyone could be expert at speed so dont think u can be good + ferocious u play 2v1 saying No Ha rush No Knights u fucker u knw they r ur weakness and if we use that u wil lose noob i was inactive i cant play directly like i use too