W@W is the worst clan in SHC history even worse then AOC lol.Why waw is the worst? Because they cheat,they are akas,they are fools,they are idiots,they are from Pakistan.Why i talk this now? Because i want to show how dirty they really are.They know very good that they cheat and they even don't feel shame to say " W@W tha best of best " , actually Savoz LOL.It's funny really.
W@W cheaters:Ferocious,Riva,Savoz,Spatran Evil.
W@W akas:Ferocious,Riva,Aragorn or what ever his name is,Xeshan,Spatran Evil or whatever his name is.
As you can see W@W like to accept akas and then to say " w@w best of the best" LOL.
Why W@W accept akas? Because without akas W@W would be like Lords clan or D/W LOL.
Now proofs that they cheat: ( i am going to find it on youtube,it takes about 10-15 minutes because really much cheaters lol ).
First , W@W leader cheater. (HolyLord immdiatelly remove him from best of recent times,he don't deserve to be in the top 10 even ).
Links which proofs that Savo cheats:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4Zf31t5srYOne more lol :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoDEgyOQhEs&feature=relatedOther players like Riva,Ferocious,Spatran use tm or something like that and Spatran have been caught on using trainer in game vs Bicii.Ferocious has been caught on using tm and shield maker.
Fallen has been caught on using tm ( Dingo has video).
Stop play vs W@W , as you can see 80% of clan are cheaters and akas xD.Really stupid clan.Clan of poor friends which go to each other house and then cheat together,and talk " W@W best of best ".