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I added Lordensay and Falke. LordStorm was an SH1 player.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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This post was updated on Oct 28, 2012; 9:09pm.
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~ AQua_Dragon ~
How is the math wrong? Your math is the same exact as mine, all your numbers for the country totals are the same lmao
And nobody is looking for an average, we're looking for who had the most good players. If we were concerned with average skill, we would include every single player who played and not just the good ones, and then Germany would also have 100 noobs with "20" skill, like every other country. This list is just about which country had the highest number of good players. Otherwise, I could say Brazil or Italy were the best since we'd have something like "Brazil: Bartholo 160" and "Italy: K@W Warlord 150" and 1. Brazil 2. Italy lol
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF
No, Holland only had:
Meelman 150 Scorp 120 Rockstar 100 Winner 70 Holland: 440 :(
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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In reply to this post by Nazir
nazir you are really son of bitch..your skills in shc 0 or maybe -10 but u always tried to suck my cock idk why...asshole go get a life.....next time i ever saw your fucking msg about me i promise i will screw u like i screwed your mom in past.....fuck you
*V* ~Return of the True King~
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
There are plabnty more holland players for holland list...But It's your list,so your rules/
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Storm played SHC too :-)
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This post was updated on Feb 01, 2013; 9:12pm.
In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
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Come Slave, and let me spank your ass with my whip.
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Your nick was slave, so you can literally spank and fuck yourself lol
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In reply to this post by Viktor
victor you complained about maly and geralt but posted screenshots of other x-cons lol
also geralt was 140 in 2011
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
I don't want to say croatia should be in list, for sure not, but i am interested in your opinion ratings about croatian players like x2x sandman, x2x biggjeffry, dhk garnet, d-f civonarish, d-f tony and me, probably i forgot some but nvm
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In reply to this post by Viktor
Victor, I love how you react to my messages. It proves that I am getting to your core, and proving you are the most retarded person to have ever embraced gameranger. I am feeding off your fear, because I won't forget all your cheats and akas. What I found most funny, is that you uploaded videos on youtube, but stupidly enough you showed that you were using trainer..? Did you go to school, or moreover, have a brain? My point is final, you know you are afraid of me, since you throw the most hilarious insults at me, while I keep showing you will rest a pig in the dirt.
Also, all the games you show are fake wins with trainer. Maly has owned you many times, as has Forest. But you teleported sins to Maly's king, no? Please stop attempting to be noticed. Incase people forgot these : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvDZv8BSXuo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfpY6Fi6siw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7dl5lbe9u0 .. (more can be shown) Please try and argue now ![]()
Always know if the juice is worth the squeeze
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~ AQua_Dragon ~
averaging it would be stupid, maybe you could take the top 10 players from every country and then average that, and that would make more sense.
and "most overrated player", it's okay i forgive you |
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Add me on chess dingo. User is fadedmemories
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okay added you, mine is microdragon6
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
The math is exactly the same ofc, but the way you applied is wrong. You must get the total point of the country and divide by number of players\experts, like:
USA Point \ USA Members = X And, about Brazil, there exist anothers players, like Brazil, Me and Queen Cleopatra. But, about Italy, you must follow this reasoning: "If the total points of a country divided by their number of players results at its average, the points are balanced" So, if a country haves at least 1 player, the average will not be balanced, plus, the way to fix it is multiplicate by the half of players that a country have, or, just dont count the average. Brazil will be so: 160.0,5 = 80 Italy will be so: 150.0,5 = 75 But, as i said, Brazil have more players. |
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I study statistics and its wrong . if you want to do so, you have to take random set of people, and that set must be REPRESENTATIVE. So far we cannot test that hypothesis about average score of players by country as much as we cant really trust on scores people give to players. So far you can trust on scores holylord/feanor gives to players, but we know that like in world championships of football(or many other cases), referee must be from other country than the teams which play. So as HL is DHK and he is the only one who evaluates DHK players, the score becomes hardly trustworthy statistically, but with high p-value his scores become valid.
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EXACTLY what Unframed just said. I don't think Aqua Dragon understood anything I said in my previous post, and so he probably won't understand anything you just said, Unframed. He even tried to insert some random shit like "if the country only has one player we divide the score by two." How the hell does that even make sense? lmao
Like I said, this list is not made to discover an average, and if we wanted to include an average, we would have to include hundreds of other players from other countries, just like you said "about Brazil, there exist anothers players". For example, I knew about 10-15 German players in my old days, none of which were very good, maybe 40-50 skill, some 60. If I include 15 players of 50 skill in the German list, we come up with: Germany: 78 (77.9167) Points: 1870 Players: 24 You simply can't make an accurate "average" of country players unless you know or include all the players or a group that accurately represents all the players. You are the one who is applying the mathematics incorrectly. So for now, we will stick with my list of addition, not your unbalanced averages.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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So, you just give USA To top 1 cuz there are more players ? This thing is totally unfair. If my averages are unbalanced, the math you used to make the top is totally unbalanced. About that "shit" i've used on Brazil, it's just an idea, you dont need to get this. Btw, at least get the mainly top 10 players of each country and them, make your average.
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