Maybe new players cant make anything accurate. about dingo top i still dont understand what so good you see from erec. make 1k traps? 200 monks with cats? doesnt impress. i think he still need experience. also apokalips. army wasting is just critical level. ninya? i beat him. he is nice man but not very impressive.
i cant blame i look noob to you but since i caught you tricking me you shoul have understood i use head. 3/4 games with erec were no fire . he won 1. so i can talk shit all night long. with ninya ill check ss. AND YES, I had played ninya with fs. or maybe you all in week time have become better twice, these games 1-4 week before were when you were newbies and yesterdax became superstars
im not saying anything bad about you :) i know that playing after some time is worse than usually . we could of course argue a bit , sometime in 2v2 win one of us , next time other. some time i need my partner's help , next time my partner need help ( i remember game with DH and Jay :D )