Today i played game vs Holylord and HolyEmpire 2v2.My friend in game was {GoC}RoyalWine.When i joined room i had name kazax bekzat lol,then goc joined room.HolyEmpire told:Kick him,he is cheater".BUt when other players not comed,holy told ok lets play him.We start game 2v2(no rules.5pt.3k).In the biggining of the game it was 2v1 me and goc with holylord.Probably HolyEmpire tried to get best gold.In the middle of the game Goc get a HolyEmpire castle.He deleted wall(holyempire's).How someone can delete other wall(not own).Ofc with any cheat.When HolyLord start losing 2v1 with me and GoC then HolyLord back to castle to camp,defending.He told something to goc.I didint wrote cuz it was private message.Then GoC asked him why(i saw cuz that wasnt pm).And then goc told him ok.Theeeeeeeeen!! When i went to own HolyLord with catas,cuz he lost all his.I start to destroy buildings! and then goc(MY FRIEND IN GAME IN 2V2)start to kill all my catas....U can understand now that HolyLord told him to shut my catas cuz he know that he have cheat as i saw when i joined room! And holy knew that he have cheat holyempire too just write my second or 3rd message of this text.HolyLord is found in game like a cheater,this thime not his own cheat but he play with cheaters and he know that they are cheaters and he dont kick them froom rooms,so i am 100% that he is cheater too cuz he play with cheaters(AND HE KNOW THAT THEY ARE CHEATERS!)..Btw i really dont know he played for fun or his best.At the endi want tell that i am not Erec,Lance lol.....i am not Lusenard(maybe u think i am luse cuz now i want found him for cheat,cuz he founded me.NO i am not Lusenard).I will tell my name only to few players i belive here on gr.AT THE END SS WHO PROVES ALL!!!