The real Experts

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Re: The real Experts

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“Imagine what a lovely, quiet place the world would be if everyone had their throats slit.”
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Re: [>D-F<]~Tony

Yeah DZU he is as good as I say.
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Re: [>D-F<]~Tony

LMAO lusenrad for as long as i've known you you've been completely full of shit. Don't flatter H-L or yourself by saying I was making an aka for the SOLE purpose of joining H-L. I had an aka and I tried to join 5 different clans, so STFU, like i give a shit that you and shazz figured out it was me. Also you're acting like you were the one that "caught" me, but all you did was ask shazz to ip scan me lmao. Yeah you caught me by asking shazz for help, you're so badass.
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The problem of dingo

Lord Lusenrad
I will explain below the problem that dingo has: This person has a problem of paranoia that is extinguished in the gap of a person that wants to be someone either for a reason x, that it cannot be.
That is, it has raverings of grandeur of which cannot reach such as being the best player of Stronghold Crusader (although deep inside his mind, he is conscious of his impotence but paranoia affects his nervous system and travel him to a world of fantasy). That is the effect of paranoia, not afford to be aware of its limits. His exaggerated creation of akas is the main symptom of his disease (wanting to be someone either for a reason x, that it cannot be). It also manifests itself in other symptoms such as contempt and insult to others. This is a symptom called "symptom inertia effect", that means a symptom that is created by other symptom. Logically this is because the disease makes repress the individual against others that hinder him to "achieve his desire".

So dont listen to this guy because he dont know what he does.


{{DHK}} Lord Lusenrad

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Re: The problem of dingo

Allow me to explain the problem lusenrad has: the inability to bring fourth a relevant counter-argument which has anything to do with the first comment, so he attempts to talk shit but obviously his inability to speak english correctly snags his desire to not look like a complete idiot when talking shit to me.
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Re: The real Experts

In reply to this post by dzu
i wana learn english from you guyz lmao... i am want to learn english you guyz say english good very LOL
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Re: The real Experts

In reply to this post by Geralt z Rivii

shut up dude,tata vlad owned you for many times,doesn`t matter how he killed you,all that matters is that,he killed you..
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Re: The real Experts

In reply to this post by Geralt z Rivii
lol X-CON become most epic fail clan since the GR, since polish players are leaders. damn jews
No taxes is good taxes, that's my motto.
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Re: The real Experts

fireboy you know who is better so stop crying fucking noob. start to play and not just talk!!!!!
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Re: The real Experts

Geralt z Rivii
In reply to this post by Fireboy
since poles are leaders X-CON is the best clan
"Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody"

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Re: The real Experts

In reply to this post by [X-CON]-Lider21PL
I don't care who is better lol. I'm not playing SHC, last serious game I played was 2-3 years ago, perhaps in 1 week I play 2v2 and make slaves. btw I didn't said anything about best clan etc. I said "epic fail", since GR, since strong and rave went inactive and other cool x-con guys, but you are, of course, polish player so you just look whos better and whos not. Damn that "online admiration" all of you again polish ( xcept arma, likwink and mk_mistrz, which is my opinion ) ( and some kids ) have.          jews and dirty skiner muslims.
No taxes is good taxes, that's my motto.
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Re: The real Experts

In reply to this post by [X-CON]~R1P
"vlad even cany own R1P 1v1 in normal rules"( for geralt 0 pt game is paranormal-lool-)
 I can own he anywhere any rules any map([>D-F<] ~vlad~:1vs1 [X-CON]~R1P: no)
I end conversation with POLISH noobs.
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Re: The real Experts

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Re: The real Experts

In reply to this post by Fireboy
FB explained all
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Re: The real Experts

In reply to this post by vlad~
its joke fool i ll beat 2v1  0pt 2K you are beat me 0 pt 2k :*( for vld ?
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Re: The real Experts

In reply to this post by vlad~
fool vld why you scared me 1v1  you are was in M-T among Room mt among watch you are wait partner and joined 1v1 i joined and among kick me room :::....Dream : why kick me  Among : tata vlad is want

why scared me Nooobb !!!
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Re: The real Experts

Because he dont need to play with you,you thinked maybe he`s waiting for someone?
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Re: The real Experts

Lol dzu :)
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Re: The real Experts

In reply to this post by lol
i want paly vs experts
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Re: The real Experts

In reply to this post by [X-CON]~R1P
ares no.   he call me noob, then lose to me.  i only post cause he is rude.  not top expert.