The State of the Game... July 2016

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The State of the Game... July 2016

Well I have been back playing some good old fashion SHC (GR ID: 408302- ((X2X))VIPER) for the last couple weeks.  I usually play a game a day or so, depending on work.  However I thought I would bring to light how the game is being played right now, and compare that to how it was when I last left it (mid 2012?).

Rules... Every game I have played so far, but one, has been what they call nffs 3 5 50 kok off, or nffs 3 10 50 kok off. 90% of the time they also add 2 rules that were not around when I last played, which they call nafp (no army for population) and 50hax (max of 50 Horse Archers at a time).

I will give all these players a lot of credit that they are quiet good it seems at these specific rules that the game has developed into. On top of this main set of rules the only map or types of maps they are are low to very low resource.  I have not seen more then 3 small rows of trees per side, and no more then 2 stone/2 iron per side.

They main army style right now is simply, 50ha with 25-40 shields, in 3 groups, a group of pikemen, and a group of assassins.  The top players from what I can tell will throw in a few knights now and then, or rush knights with HA/Shields coming soon after.

I find that so much time has passed many of the players dont know me, or think I was some PAK player named Viper (who i do remember came to play in GR in 2012 or so).  In any case I have lost most my games to players of skill, and more times then not they spout of insults and call me a noob etc.  I simply try to tell them I am a bit on the rusty side but they dont typically understand.  

Today I finally won a couple games vs what I felt were decent to good players, and what I see as the largest weakness of players nowadays is the ability to multitask. They get tunnel vision pretty easy. I believe that the older players, such as myself, who once had to be good at multitasking in every game, would stand up to this new crop of players fairly easy, once they got some practice under their belts and some time playing.

Hope everyone is well... VIPER

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Re: The State of the Game... July 2016

Hello Viper. Although i have played a few 2v2 games vs u in the time 2010-2011. U were an inspiration. A true out of the box player. It was pathetic when i mentioned ur name to some new players in the past week and they thought it was X-PAK Viper or someone. Ur defense was absolute. I remember failing to rush u because of pits and wall. Anyway these new players r not good. I mean they r alot slower than the past generation just as the past generation was alot slower than the first 1-2 generations. U gotta give em credit though. They try their level best to invent crazy ways to put themselves on top of ss. Like desert map. 0k etc etc nafp max 50ha. Good luck and hope to fight u again someday in the future. if our paths cross. (y)
Get Schwifty.
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Re: The State of the Game... July 2016

=G$F=DeXT3R #real
Viper you big muppet how are you, i still have your video you made of Devilspawn using turbo mouse on my old pc . Sheer class.