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The End

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Re: The End

Riva every days say this '' i left shc '' after some time he makes room with description '' I am back to own ur candy ass '' ;)
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Re: The End

LØL  im ŦHĚ  Bę$ŧ ? :Ø
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Re: The End

Gl and Hf in other games Bro :)))
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Re: The End

Inspectah Deck
In reply to this post by -Rivaz-
Why are saying this? We really dont care if you are going to play dota,we really dont care for it!
And you really dont care if you talked shit to us and you know it!

People like you here make this kind of topics but they actually continues to play game , just under aka.
People like you are multi aka makers,people like you just telling us that they won't play this game more but they are continuing it under akas , people like you are liars , people like you are actors , people like you are bad people and I will use your favourite word to describe you " People like you suck".

And Szeky as you can see Undefeatable wrote comment here " hi " which means he knows that Riva is going to play under aka lol,back to your topic "Xande=Riva" then,and you can see him posting comment " Who cares" ?

Yo this is MC wizardry, killa bee invasion
Men of respect, blessed with wisdom of the ancients
My words are blatant, lacerate necks for statements
are launched like lead projectiles, straight out the basement.
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Re: The End

well ,undefeatable is an idiot    
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Re: The End

Best of Arab
In reply to this post by -Rivaz-
GL riva but Turcks Cool Guys In SHC i Ever meet