"TOP Lists are all the same.

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"TOP Lists are all the same.

I'm just wondering how come none of other clans never get the chance to be in the list..like YUG or KINGZ or some other clan.If I can call it the best list -.-  that way to be among these lists, regardless of facts those "best players"are cheaters, caught on multiple SS's or YT channels..as far as my clan goes we may be not among TOP experts, but for sure we are not cheaters,
- I know there will be a lot of spamming,like I was caught of using TM -.- Ino tried something like that and he failed by speeding  up his clip and didn't succeeded, but try to control yourself have fun and leave  comments.

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Re: "TOP Lists are all the same.

Did i cheated Edo? did i?
Get Schwifty.
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Re: "TOP Lists are all the same.

In reply to this post by =Y.U.G=°ƒ®ØzéN°ƒ°
why u worry =yug= ?:D

I can own all of them ... and i never there too xD so dont worry ..  just beat them .. let them think they are the bests xD
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Re: "TOP Lists are all the same.

You havent ever beaten me, nor you ever will. While I have owned you multiple times. Stop making shit posts with no sense.
What if I told you, Your perception is a misconception due to Media Deception.
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Re: "TOP Lists are all the same.

In reply to this post by =Y.U.G=°ƒ®ØzéN°ƒ°
Give some examples. Is there any videos or evidence that I cheat or tbag cheats or anybody in D-F is a cheater? Nobody in D-F is a cheater, whether you want to say we cheat just because we're extremely good is up to you, but it won't make it true.
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Re: "TOP Lists are all the same.

In reply to this post by Fahad
Im not saying to all of u who replied my friends Fahad mate I didnt said to you or Dingo or anyone from the specific List,Riva u should know better than to spam against me.. I was just saying why arrent all other clanmembers on the list ,, like in the old days as I could see on HL of Fireboys sites ect ..
as for cheatings 90 % of u players did cheat and got caught among urselves Its something I didnt invent, like I said try not to spam.. and to cheat .. as for fenas clan list YUG is a pretty strong clan.. and should be among TOP 5 clans..thats all.. as a Founder of my clan I must take some good notes for it ..and for those young kids who play in it ..
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Re: "TOP Lists are all the same.

In reply to this post by =Y.U.G=°ƒ®ØzéN°ƒ°
They're not in the list because they're not good enough.
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: "TOP Lists are all the same.

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Re: "TOP Lists are all the same.

[>D-F<]~ AQua_Dragon ~
In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Im just wondering why not ((KINGS))~Assasin~ is not in the list.
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Re: "TOP Lists are all the same.

In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Holy as much as they are good they wont be added cuz Fena only adds those players which he knows lolz
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Re: "TOP Lists are all the same.

[>D-F<]~ AQua_Dragon ~
Assasin is one of the bests Sh1 players of the new days, and a really nice ShC player, how cannot be there ?
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Re: "TOP Lists are all the same.

In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
you forgot tbag.
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Re: "TOP Lists are all the same.

Its not possible to make a good list ..... exspecially like this ..