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I have created a Timeline of events for Stronghold:Crusader. The timeline ends when I left GameSpy, so forgive me for not continuing it past that point.
http://embed.verite.co/timeline/?source=0AhKdvNNOO80_dGdDSkpIZHF5bVZ5TFE4SW1iVkJHbGc&font=Bevan-PotanoSans&maptype=watercolor&lang=en&hash_bookmark=true&start_zoom_adjust=3&height=650#0 Sorry for the ugly link, I will embed this information into the new Village Square website soon. |
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Gj merlin but i think release date of SH:C is later.Idk if you write for first appear of game,or first time game were played but in America shc were played first and after few days,week were starting in Europe,i think it were somewhere at begin of october 2002,not july,avgust.That is my opinion just.
But gj indeed. Wikki sucks there. Fuck now hl knows answers on my questions(what is A.S.E)etc... |
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In reply to this post by Merlin
show us winners of all events :D i want to see wins of my old clanmates :D
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In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF
Gilman ,are u only historian ?Did u have any skills in the game? Or just criticize players who had rather more skills than u?
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You cant tell that smb has more skill if you didnt tested him,also my best skill time has passed,I nowadays playing verry important act in real life,soon i am becoming uncle,studing,working etc.
No time for serious games,when have time i play some random games. I never has critize those who write right informations.I just wanna all know true facts like those i write,It's my opinion you can accept or not you decide that.Merlin is great guy who were at begin of stronghold game he know a true fact ofc but i just wanna add some stuffs which he might missed or overlook. |
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In reply to this post by Merlin
nice, it looks very slick and professional
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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In reply to this post by !Yu.GoD!GILMAN~RF
The game was first released in July of 2002. Later in August and again in September there were more releases around the world. I am going by the first official sale of the game. I am sure HolyLord knows what the All Seeing Eye was |
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
Unfortunately, when I was hired to remake the Guardian website, we had limited webspace and had to delete the Strategy Wizards website. I do not remember who won every event, and I do not want to provide false, or missing information. I think it would be unfair to all winners if I only listed the few events who's roster has survived.
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In reply to this post by {{DHK}}HolyLord
Thank you, I try my best. I will create an even prettier version yet tonight. And I must give some credit to your website for giving me the idea, though I tried to provide different information, since your website is strictly about the top players. |
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In reply to this post by Merlin
Then it's ok.Releases for shc where in different time for different parts of the world.First come ofc USA,than Europe etc.I just wanna mention that release were first in Usa,so not all of us started playing same time,not all released at same time.So it's ok then.I doubt he knows it,becasue he didnt answered but nwm...
Misunderstanding were about releasing. Keep rocking.Full support of me. |
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