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I am By Far, the best player ever in stronghold crusader.. mainly because players who are experts in a certain rule of the game like Keks being an expert in no ffs, and Maly , dingo , black soul , or ny other faggot noob.. thinks of himself as an expert in no f. doesnt matter .. Because i am The Best player in both the rules.. Tbh no1 is much more of a complete player then me,, as i play both the rules magnificently.. And unframmed dont feed ur crap in this Marvelous post.. with ur idiotic logic..
if any1 objects this cause.. feel free to challenge me in shc, 649412 id.. nvm,, and also faggots.. if it its a competition of screenshots presented by paki faggots.. or szeky or whosoever.. i havent ever bragged about how 5 times i defeated maly, nd maly has never even come close to defeating me.. But Now it's time to make it clear.. I am the best , the most complete player in this game.. |
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hi fatty xD
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Oh i forgot to mention..
Unframmed is literally barred from posting in this topic.. with his idiotic family issues nd his no sane logic.. |
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hopefully i'm not Unframmed :D
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In reply to this post by |•Nàruto•|
You are not , you are the best in cartoons but not in comprehensive galaxies of the game.I dominate everyone in this game because I am god of this game and If I want I can make this game dead or bless it. So many players claim to be the best such as Dragons,Warriors,Soldiers,Slaves,Pros,Dogs and other animals but they always forget who is Messiah that disparts sea and land,that made them all and brought on the Earth they can't touch 1% of my skill in this game,they dream everyday about being better than me but their dreams can't become reality. I rotate history of this game on my palm.Till the infinity flows I am gonna be untouchable.
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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Are u retarded?
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you were never an impressive player to me. I was a more complete player than you, so were many others. I was very good at no f only, but I could also play other rules too. Just because I preferred no f didn't mean i couldn't play other settings also. You suck
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In reply to this post by |•Nàruto•|
no I'm not , you're just making Babylon's tower to take my level so I am about to destroy your language,be afraid , be very scary.
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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In reply to this post by |•Nàruto•|
please delete this topic lol |
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This post was updated on Jan 06, 2013; 6:04pm.
In reply to this post by Moonwalker
dafaq is tower of Babylon? enlighten me please
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Young man , one of the reasons you was born is to teach and educate yourself,it's about physical and mental work. If you don't want to learn singly there is no point anyone else enter.Learn your knowledge as Gilman pharmacist learnes to make medicine.
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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Just because gilman said he is a pharmacist (rather a student than a real pharmacist so far i guess) it doesn't mean all others are doing shit and being lazy. I dont confuse you with my terms noone of you is supposed to understand but if you can't speak using normal language acceptable to ALL you expect it will make you superior and more intelligent so you advice others to study.
Now about your terms, really. what is a tower of Babylon? I couldnt even google it because i only know Babel, and i hardly found connections between what you and fatty talked. Just answer me please ! i tried my best to get knowledge myself ... |
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then google 'Tower of Babel' lol
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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So maybe you dont make mistakes next time instead of advicing to study? :/
As i knew what is a tower of Babel before, ill claim your previous comment about creating such tower is nonsense. Use your philosophic knowledge where its neccessary. |
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What mistake did I make? Still I would say 'Tower of Babylon' no matter what you want to explain and tell me.I don't believe in everything I read in google , and it's not everything google says true. Google would say absurd is something what has nothing to do with logic but true is that actually absurd has it's own language.Maybe you are one that makes mistakes when uses adjective 'normal' to describe word language.How can language be normal or abnormal?
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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why do you try to sound smart specifying that "normal" is an adjective, but then only say that "language" is a "word" rather than a "noun"?
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In reply to this post by Moonwalker
Ok, but your Babylon tower makes just a much sense as i'd say you're trying to create a TV tower of Toronto.
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
I am not trying to sound smart because I am smart.
'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour'
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This post was updated on Jan 07, 2013; 11:56pm.
Yeah i finished school of pharma ,now i studing and working as pharmacist :)
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo
Dingo sadly, u never amused me.., with ur obnoxiously over hyped english speaking skills., nvm u are just a nincompoop .. referring u to a dog is an insult to dogs honestly. u never were good nuff in noffs always sucked . in nof u were,, i wont deny that. but u aren't a complete player accept the fact.,.
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