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As you have all noticed, there is some kid named Dark hell who is very angry and has become obsessed with D-F. Every other word he says is about D-F, and every moment of the day he is talking about D-F, and how we are liars and akas, and whatever else his imagination can come up with. Please understand, we did not know that he was so crazy and that he would become so obsessed with us. I'm sure you're all tired of hearing him always talking about us, and every 5 minutes making a new topic about us here in the forums... We are truly sorry, please try to ignore him. Since he was kicked he has said a lot about us, and if you want to believe what the kid says then that is up to you, but keep in mind, the leaders of D-F are 10x smarter than any of you, so it is not like we would have actually told secrets to this kid. He was clearly unstable and untrustworthy, and it was obvious that he wouldn't kept any of our secrets, so of course we never told him any of our secrets. Only an idiot would tell DH a secret, and then kick him from the clan. If we had told him any of our secrets, then we would not have kicked him from the clan. He is mad though, and is obsessed with trying to make us look bad, but lucky for us he can't do it. If you want to believe him then that is up to you.
The point is though, that we are sorry for creating such an idiot like DH. If this kid was not serbian then he would have been kicked from D-F 10x sooner, but unfortunately we let him stay, and now he thinks he is entitled to be treated like a normal person, and he is obsessed with talking shit about us. What I am saying though, is that we are sorry that you must listen to him and his spam. I am sure it got really old and annoying for most of you a long time ago, but this kid is fucking obsessed with us :-\ |
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Dingo:obsessed DH < Loooooooooooooool YOU ARE OBSESSED OF TBAG AKA CIVO AND AND OF DEFENDING HIM ON FORUM AND LYING PEOPLE AND TALKING BULLSHIT HOW HE ISN'T TBAG DIE IN HELL MOTHERFUCKER......CIVO=TBAG LIKE 1+1 when you admit to suck his dick and do better blow job then lisa ann they will will be friends and i will stop to talk about civo=tbag,but anyway everyone know why i should do it lol. |
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PONGO SAID :"but keep in mind, the leaders of D-F are 10x smarter than any of you, so it is not like we would have actually told secrets to this"
Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool and looooooooooooooooooool I am more smarter then you think fool,and you are fucking retard who admited everything while i were DF STFU.BUT LIKE I SAID YOU ARE FUCKING LIAR,AND HOW WANT TO DENY IT NOW.LOL. Everyone know Civo=Tbag except Dingo's and Civo's dog's who hide it. |
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everybody knows you are a crazy fool, talking with you is pointless
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i wanted to be friend with you and to forgive you for everything but that is not impossible you are psysiclly and mentally obsessed of tbag.
Even if i am fool and retard Civo=Tbag "Tbag never existed". |
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In reply to this post by DH
looking for friends in shc area is a mistake
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yea unframed i understood it after everything.
friends from real life = friends for real life and they forever friends forever and real friends don't get interest from other friends. |
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In reply to this post by MAX POWER
War in [>Dog-Family<].ops
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go away iran, shouldn't your country be blocking this website?
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...... that is war of me and Dingo on forum because he is fucking mentally physiclly obsessed of civo and he will do everything to hide how civo isnt tbag,and i can't be his friend because of fucking paranoid Civonarish who pretend to use aka 7 years in shc since GameSpy has been opened.And Dingo thinks that i talks with him nicely just go get any information about Civo and Tbag and Dingo is wrong and Dingo don't thinks that i am fool and Dingo thinks that i never existed and Dingo is again wrong and Dingo is little stupid and i wanted to forgive Dingo for recruiting erec to df because if i had my clan i would recruit crusher(under aka) too but Dingo just want to beat me on forum and to let other players to think i'm an fool but he don't want to chat on gr and he blocked me and i am not his friend more because of Tbag who is aka Civo for the rest of life. |
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i can barely understand what you just wrote, but first of all i was never trying to get your forgiveness, and talking to you on GR had nothing to do with trying to beat you on the forums. I talked with you out of pity, because I felt bad how you are so depressed and obsessed with us, so I wanted to help you get through it, but I see that it was of no use. You immediately twisted what I said to you, and acted like I said something that I didn't say. But once again, i never gave a fuck that you were mad at me for recruiting erec, please be very clear with that.
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I am not obsessed of you and T-Bag aka Civo lol.
I just want to let people to know what persons you really are,and i just want to show how Civo is retarted that he play 7/6/5 years under aka since gs-a lol,and i just want to let persons to believe that all of you are liars.I never lied nothing.I stay behind everything i said,and everything what i said on forum is fucking truth and you know to Dingo.The only lie i said is that you have tm.Like i said you are obsessed of Tbag and he commands you every sec to kick player,write comment,put description.Live your life dude. I DONT HAVE ANY PROBLEM WITH YOU,WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? |
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nah you said many wrong things, like me being aka dangerfield, and lots of accusations like that, where you pulled complete shit out of your ass to write about us. Didn't you even say that I'm aka firedragon?
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
dingo dingo .... your an such an bad bad bad boy hahahaha
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In reply to this post by [>D-F<]~Dingo~
learn what is difference between wrong and lie.and if you want to talk come on forum and don't be pussy i will not take ss of our conversation.I don't wanna beat you in our conversations again.
"T-Bag never existed". |
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never in your life have you ever beaten me in a conversation
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even with my poor english i beat you in conversations lmao.
yep i am bad boy,ghetoo boss,ghetoo boss yo "Tbag never existed" |
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lmao thats what you decide. You don't understand that everything you say is retarded and only in your stupid little head are you winning anything.
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little head but bigger brain
i have poor english but i can say Civo is Tbag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but Dingo will say he is not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bcuz Dingo is obsessed with Civo(Tbag) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Dingo is being stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Dingo is being liar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Tbag never existed." |
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