~SW~ Slavic Warlords

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~SW~ Slavic Warlords

~SW~ Maximiliano
Hello everybody, I found this forum so I came to share some of my screenshots with you. I don't want to post them here because you can tell that i bragg. Check site of Slavic Warlords ~SW~ (if link doesnt work type in google slavicwarlors stronghold crusader) and see my screenshots. I have ss defeating KoRT Mahmood, YUG Ado, KoRT EDO (FrozenSoul), YuGod Hans, YuGod Kupresanin, Zo Skell, Zo Leix, BRQ Araneus, LK Legacy, D-F Destiny, No Clan Hamad, DHK WarLord, FU Eichlar, BRQ Troy  and also 2v2 screenshots vs XCONS, Petakuty, AOC Naruto, You are History, Madara etc. I notice one thing, as more as I win and play my knowledge of stronghold crusader history grows!

P.S I decided to leave YUG clan because there is nobody online except me and join SW, clan in which I was leader.

here is a link http://serbianwarlords.webs.com/apps/photos/