Guys shc is only game,i am playing only for fun,and i play when i want play....other guys are all day at computer and all day watching on monitor,men you can be blind then...go to hospital you are retarded..if i play like most of players here 7 8 9 10 10000000000000000 years then and i can be real expert...ARES and others who have much years more then 20 can go to bad and fuck their womens and make childs not playing shc,shc is game for kids,so HL maybe because of that stop his like when player at gr respect you? LOL....i only respect people on real life not respect on internet(my is ADSL:) ) respect at gr are nothing and no important repscets....i can call all players at who are real experts noob if i want that and i dont care if they block me,me noob.....i am playing for fun...shc is not my life like ur HL....HL put DHK HL on car....LOL....i never see something like friends play CS 1.6 15 years but they dont do that idk....for HL shc is opssessive LOL....SHC Is his food,he cant life without fs....Remember Life=Party in clubs,girlfriends,family...and games but no on all day playing... A N D P L E A S E I F Y O U W A N T C A L L M E N O O B Y O U C A N D O T H A T..I D O N T C A R E W H O I S E X P E R T W H O I S NOT X P E R T.....B U T T-BAG AND DINGO NOW ARE 1 AND 2(of course numbers meaning)