I am not upset i just leave ur fuckin noobish clan alone(oh maybe u kicked me)lol.......you made me as trainee and i left alone,to be full member you told me that i must kill jay....when i killed jay i showed ss to ding dong and he told me "hm not good you must get a more kills and gold" ROFL......then i decide to leave ur fuckin clan...You think u are god like Goc zEUS....df is not the best clan..In df experts are:Lance,Bongo,Tbag,and bastard Erec....others are big noobs i own them all....ado,blackmoon,davor,dream ll(30 kills for him for me 350),bicci,and i owned you too Bongo....so i am not uspet i just leave ur fuckin noobish clan with nice clan page......"RESK IN PEACE TO DOGS,LIONS COMING"
Dingo u know that is true i only want to tell all people,to know something bad,bad side of you....i am not sad,i told you i left df alone,maybe u are sad cuz u lost good players hahah....
NOBODY CANT KICK ME FROM ANY CLAN,I CAN NOW CHANGE MY NAME [>D-F<]~DarkHell~ I DONT CARE FOR THAT IS MY NAME ON SITE OR NOT....oh yea i dont see u kicked me at ur site(now please go to site and write)DarkHell is kicked from df cuz he cant win Jay aka phoenix hahahah.....and yea if you want someone to eat no problem,i am making bread now in game...and meat too i hunt...only ask me for food