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NO FS Rule issue! Need help.

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NO FS Rule issue! Need help.

Mr. Noone
No fs means no flying stone or in other words mean that I can't shoot stone. But it doesn't actually ban from making cats. So I would still be able to make cats but I can't shoot from them.

Now as you know cats has 2 options to shoot. Another is cows shooting.
So does no fs rule ban cows shooting too? (as the rule name suggest it should be legal to use cows.)

Sorry for my bad english.
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Re: NO FS Rule issue! Need help.

well most players block cow using anyway but as long as cows arent stones u should be able to use them :o
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Re: NO FS Rule issue! Need help.

In reply to this post by Mr. Noone
sure u can make cow shoot in no fs
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Re: NO FS Rule issue! Need help.

most people would bitch about it, but technically it would be okay... but most likely you will fuck up and accidentally shoot some rocks, if for example you have more cats shooting than you have cows... And if that happens then you're breaking the rules
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Re: NO FS Rule issue! Need help.

I like how Dingo is acting smart with facts I told him 2 days ago, he didn't even knew that if you had for example 10 cats and 3 cows, that 7 cats will shoot stone, and now he is acting smart. But yes cows are allowed in no fs game
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Re: NO FS Rule issue! Need help.

Wasting money for catas-for cows is not good.
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Re: NO FS Rule issue! Need help.

Mr. Noone
To Dark: Cows infection can kill all of your ha or any other weak units if used well. Is this waste of money?

Thank you for answer. I now know that I won't be called a cheater by using it.
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Re: NO FS Rule issue! Need help.

In reply to this post by VoCi
civo you are a retard, i don't know why you would say something so stupid... you never said that to me, and i knew it for a long time.