NDR-???-Fearless and DKS

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NDR-???-Fearless and DKS

=G$F=DeXT3R #real
Anyone rem that bird (UK word for girl) NDR-??-Fearless it was something like that.

Anyone rem DKS? cant even rem what it stood for but they had some good players

Ps T bag and HL are wasters
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Re: NDR-???-Fearless and DKS

Yes, I spent a lot of time talking to Fearless (she joined {{DHK}} after NDR), and I still have contact with her.  She's getting old now, just like the rest of us.  

fuck u too
~ † DHK † - The Best In Game ~
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Re: NDR-???-Fearless and DKS

=G$F=DeXT3R #real
Your deffo old