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Lord all weaky Artagnant famous as quiter in game and aka of Destiny and X CON Brutalz got owned.

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Lord all weaky Artagnant famous as quiter in game and aka of Destiny and X CON Brutalz got owned.


as you can see,i was insulter since i came to gr,and i'm now.

you tell me "i saw many stupid topics made by you,i  finish you.
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Re: Lord all weaky Artagnant famous as quiter in game and aka of Destiny and X CON Brutalz got owned.

I remembered words - exactly
[>D-F<]~DarkHell~ : Lord Artagnant left game with me,i said 3 mins but he left
[>D-F<]~Dingo:       he is 15,maybe his mother called him and he had to go.

is lord weaky 15,or dingo was liar...you decide..