(LT-S)Lietuvis_tikra…: o as dar greit nezaisiu ,bet kai grisiu ,tai dar iskarsiu siknas :D
(LT-S)Lietuvis_tikra…: matai as net shc nebeturiu :) nu turiu daug labai reikalu ,bet dar pazaisiu :)
and here is what google translator says :
(LT-S)Lietuvis_tikra…: oh my god , i love boys cocks , i can put a dozen into my mouthy :D
(LT-S)Lietuvis_tikra…: butt secks is funnier than shc :) i will come back as soon as i fuck all gays around Lithuania :)
Re: Is {{DHK}}HolyLord the best player in the world right now?
35 posts
wow u are so great ... u beat me once.Nice work! we all believe that you play "without TM" i guess we can ask everyone in GR and all will say:" oh yes ,holy has never been playing with TM" Look at yours self and your stupid topics lmao. Yes yes i know ,now you will say I am the best in game,c`mon noob I will beat you with n watchers,dont worry asshole ,I will....
Re: Is {{DHK}}HolyLord the best player in the world right now?
31 posts
Lol guys, you're so funny. It is just a game, who cares if HolyLord is the best player or not. I believe him that he doesn't use TM, can't I ?
Now what? Don't hear you! Ah yes, no, I won't shut up guys. You all act like small kids, don't you have problems in your real life? Don't you have real life? LOL
And yes, HoyLord is the best player in the world right now. Sorry Dingo :(.