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Is DF aka clan or not?

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Is DF aka clan or not?

We everyone fucking know that Civonarish is Tbag and Tbag never existed,so i am gonna make post about df clan and akas in df.

----------> Dingo said that these players were akas in DF : Riva,Jage,Dream,Fahroze/

I think these players are akas:Riva,Jage,Dream,Fahroze,Tbag,Lord Artagnant,DF Fearless,Atif(for

4/5 days in DF),Thorton aka Destiny,New Apollo(*not old  apollo i dont give a fuck about old apollo cuz i didnt even play in that time).

Players who were/are not akas in DF.
1 - Dingo ofc.
2 - Civo
3 - Tony - leader
4 - I was DF unfortunatelly,just little kid who talk much shit but what i can do when i got lies and when i wasn't informed about akas who will join DF/What ?
5 - BlackMoon(i will not put him in akas because i don't know  him,you decide is/not
6 - XxX_Davor_XXX~  - same for Davor
7 - Silent
8 - Bici
9 - Fucking idiot Erec
10 - Fucking idiot Lancelot aka the poor Riva

DF had/has 10 real players and DF has/had 10 akas.