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Idiots of Shc

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Idiots of Shc

773 posts
          More like a cat who looks for a food Darkhell was in D-F when he got kicked he started saying TBAG never existed Lancelot= Riva Lol? he is just a sucker
         Another Fag like DH but his skills of annoying are not much compared to DH he believe W@W Spartan Ferocious Riva dont exist that shows he dont knw anything infact he dont even knw how to make granary i fought him he was playing like 4 year old kid
        Skills of fighting are astonishing but he cant beat HL and mess wid the best on Messaging He nearly Messed the whole forums up

           If u think theres some other person plz name it here
Get Schwifty.
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Re: Idiots of Shc

2 posts
I was mad because of kicking from df but it doesn't mean that Civo isn't tbag.He is.

you are aka i owned you.