96 posts
Oh ok sorry guys, IT'S TIME TO TELL THE TRUTH. X-CON is the best clan now. I have nothing more to say. I know well that I have been talking shit to X-CON but it was just because i didn't want to admit they are better. I AM REALLY SORRY.
I want to apologize to all of their best players 1 by 1 :
Sorry Ares and Lider, I know well you both are better than me. You demonstrated to me at Holylord's event.
Sorry Geralt, I am scared to play 1 vs 1 with you because I saw that you have improved a lot and i don't want to lose again! :(
Sorry Immortal for telling you suck. Only Geralt and Immortal are better than D-F. Ares and Lider are 5000x better coaches than I am. I have been training darkhell, bicii and vlad and they still suck! ;(
Sorry Lusenrad, I don't play 1 vs 1 with you because I know well that you are 100x better than me at no fs and last time we played no fire only I won by a hair. So that's why I always refuse to play with you! I don't want to give you a chance to beat me! :(
Sorry to all D-F members that trusted me. But at the moment, THEY ARE MUCH BETTER THAN US.
Anyways, we are not dead at all. We will train a lot to be like them or even better! And if it is needed, we will train 25 hours a day!!