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Help bring it back

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Help bring it back

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Re: Help bring it back

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this very bad lobby,i am think nobody joins
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Re: Help bring it back

82 posts
In reply to this post by Theorist
As a previous WIZ/Helper/Guard for GameSpy, and I do still chat with some admin/s there time to time, last week in fact, GameSpy Arcade is dead and has no paid staff that actually keep much tabs on it.  The SHC lobby is open for people to join and play.  The WIZ team perhaps could come back to a degree and host events for games.  However has everyone forgotten what kept GameSpy's numbers down compared to Game Ranger?  GameSpy was an overall pain in the butt to connect too haha.  Sure the seasoned players new the ins and outs of port forwarding etc, but noobs would leave after a couple days of not being able to connect and nobody but me and a couple other people who would help them.

Noobs are needed to keep a game community alive and kicking.  We have that here at Game Ranger.  There is nothing for us in Game Spy would pretty lobbys and VIP's that might not ever be given out again.  Also need everyone forget the pain in the butt it was when IRC idiots would take over the lobbys, dub accounts, and cause havok with those of us that just wanted to have fun and play the game ?  Thats a huge reason why Game Spy gave up on SHC many years ago, with the last event, December 2007, being canceled half way through do to those IRC idiots...  

Sure there are issues with Game Ranger but when isn't there issues with something. One thing we as players might want to do in order to better connect with the other communities of Game Ranger is become members of the SH Knights community or SH Heaven community.  Its websites such as these that have tons of players we never meet or play.  Many of them are just into single player, or map making, some do IP gaming.  Instead of them coming to us, perhaps we should go to them.


